Search results

  1. Emoticone11

    Abandoned [OLD] Project Application: Darkdell

    [OLD FORUM REPOST - 3/13/18] Note that only the most important information was preserved.
  2. Emoticone11

    Abandoned [OLD] Project Application: Graywater Watch

    [OLD FORUM REPOST - 3/13/18]
  3. Emoticone11

    Abandoned [OLD] Project Application: Mountain Clans of the Vale

    [OLD FORUM REPOST - 3/13/18] Note that only the most important replies were preserved.
  4. Emoticone11

    Planning [Map Repository] Vale

    [OLD FORUM REPOST - 3/13/18] Quick Reference
  5. Emoticone11

    Abandoned [OLD] Project Application: The Tor

    [OLD FORUM REPOST - 3/13/18] Note that only the most important comments were preserved.
  6. Emoticone11

    Projects Orphanage

    [OLD FORUM REPOST - 3/13/18] Hello WesterosCraft :) The moderators have been reviewing all of the builds on our server and are working to keep better track of our progress; so I'm creating this Projects Orphanage for Abandoned Builds. These projects are up for grabs to either be redone...
  7. Emoticone11

    [3/12/18] - Thread Grab Opportunity

    Hey everyone, the old forums will be up for 3 days as of now, giving people plenty of opportunity to grab threads they need: Please, feel free to grab any thread you feel is important, regardless of whether you made it or not. Make sure to search the new...
  8. Emoticone11

    White Harbor Sprawl Plotting Applications

    Hey everyone, Since university picked up again recently, I've found myself with less free time on my hands, which I feel is more important to devote to working on stuff like the block updates for Oldtown and Highgarden at the moment. So, in the name of Democracy glorious dictatorship of the...
  9. Emoticone11

    Minecraft 1.11 migration issues thread

    Porting this thread over from the old forums, since there are still a few issues and tweaks (mostly minor) at this point. @mikeprimm Functionality issues Some users report teleportation (/tp) glitching sometimes, returning the message "The teleportation was cancelled". Seems to happen after...
  10. Emoticone11


    Welcome to the WesterosCraft Tech Support!
  11. Emoticone11

    White Harbor Spawl

    Here's the map of sprawl so far! Made by Ramen and SMP. I'm going to be working on planning sprawl over the next few weeks, so we can hopefully we can open houses for building soon. Please feel free to pitch ideas or suggestions if you have any! Industries, occupations, inspiration images, etc.
  12. Emoticone11

    [8/23/2017] White Harbor Open Applications

    This post contains a list of all the subprojects currently open for application in White Harbor. The following list contains subprojects that must be applied for by creating a thread in this subforum. An ideal application should consist of enough tests to thoroughly give the mods an idea of...
  13. Emoticone11

    White Harbor News & Stats

  14. Emoticone11

    Approved Project Application: Wickenden Redo

    Project's been WIP for forever, here's the original post though. Project's approved by Estoop and Banty currently.
  15. Emoticone11

    Editor-Lite Application Process

    Dear WesterosCraft, After much confusion regarding Editor-Lite permissions and requests, the staff team has decided to make a concrete set of rules and guidelines for applying for and having Editor-Lite. Application template for applying for E-Lite Have you been a builder for at least 3...
  16. Emoticone11

    Westeroscraft Texture Pack Megathread

    Most of the suggestions are already on Asana (external list), but I'll quote the most recent posts in the thread here: