I Have taken a look back at your melons, which are justified and I agree with them, thank you.
changes adjusted by the melons.

- Changed the roof to be more similar to the other tower roofs found in the area.

- changed the palette to use the same palette as Sarsfeild/Tarbeck as requested. I Kind of winged the palette using the to blocks to blend with the vivid stone, so fair enough it was a bit of playing with the palette on my half.

- changed this back tower so it wasn't using the daub blocks. Also changed the back facade as I thought the stairs looked better after checking out Tarbeck castle.

-moved this shed away from the cliff edge - like you said due to erosion.

- changed the windmill to a donkey mill, I guess it would be more fitting if their are no wheat fields nearby. general use for the village.

- moved the 1 house closer to the village area, and removed the other one as you didn't like the placement of the 2 plots. my idea was that these houses are for the farmers who work below the mountain in the [orchard?] below

- changed the sept so it is a generally accepted circular shape i had it before. It will include a mini lynchyard around it.

-changed the idea of small vegetable carts to a traveling merchant who has stopped off to rest, as the idea you gave will work better.
Overall update to the area has been done.
I will finish off the Sept interior, Holdfast interior, general vegetation, cleaning up of any terrain, adding more schems and the lynchyard around the sept.
The houses and yards and special plots will be open for builders/nbuilders to complete once you are satisfied with the changes.