Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear


Staff member
Another update!

The entire main valley of Hornvale is now open for building! I've added some more minis and special builds, as well!

Current available minis:

/warp sffarm4 - A farm complex that raises sheep, has a sheepfold, and uses the pastures on the opposite side of the road. They also take their herds to some of the high mountain pastures for grazing (

/warp sflogging - A logging camp with accompanying lumber mill. The camp is located right at the edge of a pretty big forest, and they sell wood and logs in the nearby communities and to the septry.

/warp hvlogging - A logging camp with accompanying lumber mill. They practice selective logging and supply lumber throughout Hornvale lands. The camp should have permanent (or at least long term) structures/buildings rather than tents.

/warp hvgate2 - A gatehouse guarding the southern entrance into Brax lands from the Gold Road. Style should be similar (not necessarily identical) to hvgate.

/warp hvfarm1 - A farm complex that produces a lot of agriculture. Primarily wheat, barley, and oats, but they also have other smaller crops.

/warp hvfarm2 - A flax farm. You have the freedom to plan that side of the river if you want.

** NEW! ** /warp hvfarm3 - A farm complex that primarily produces wool, but also does some general agriculture.

** NEW! ** /warp hvfarm4 - A farm complex that produces forest glass (

/warp hvham1 - A farming hamlet. 6-7 houses.

/warp hvseptry - A septry inspired by the Chiesa di Santa Maria del Castello in Giornico. Think terraces.
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Street Preacher
This is my application for hvgate2

I kept in mind that these two gates would probably be built in a similar fashion, obviously using the same materials, and even possibly be designed by the same person. Keeping this in mind, I have designed hvgate2 to be sort of a "twin" to hvgate, HOWEVER, they would be more fraternal tiwns and not identical.

/warp awbman06 (fly up to the second level)
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/warp hvfarm4 - A farm complex that produces forest glass (
In the wikipedia article in the history section or somewhere else you'll find a medieval print that is taken from the last pages of Book XII (12) of Agricola's de re metallica. It is a large book Agricola made on the history of metallurgy and other related tradecrafts in the 16th century. In those last few pages he describes the building materials and their dimensions along with the processes used in glassmaking. It's very interesting stuff.


Book XII (12) of Agricola's de re metallica.
Also I have looked at Denis Diderot's Encyclopedie that gives a detailed description of the mechanical arts. Most of his work details mechanical contraptions or mechanical arts used in tradecrafts, like glassmaking, that may have been in use during the medieval era (according to some scholars). University of Michigan Library provides a good translation project of Diderot's work which I have linked in the wording. Just click on simple search and enter a word like "glass" and search away. There's also a heck ton of other trades and their descriptions provided in his work.

I am now working to combine Diderot's and Agricola's works to enable me to build better representations of what glassmaking furnaces might have looked like and I must say... from the descriptions, the medieval ones are pretty large and their later designs much larger. So, I hope what prototypes I have built will suffice.


Donkey Lord
Staff member
d’Alembert Diderot’s encyclopedie seems to use de re Metallica as one of its main sources for that section, so it shouldn’t be too much of a disparity between our setting and the 18th C text.
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Staff member
This is my application for hvgate2

I kept in mind that these two gates would probably be built in a similar fashion, obviously using the same materials, and even possibly be designed by the same person. Keeping this in mind, I have designed hvgate2 to be sort of a "twin" to hvgate, HOWEVER, they would be more fraternal tiwns and not identical.

/warp awbman06 (fly up to the second level)

I've seen the gate in-game, and I approve, awb!


/warp hvfarm4 - A farm complex that produces forest glass (
Hey Lem I would like to apply for Hornvale Glassworks.
Hornvale Glassworks.png
I numbered each area of the glassworks [Areas 1 - 4 are in the Orange parts, Area 5 is in the Red, and Area 6 is in the Blue]. Area 1 is a general storage or prep area of the resources and materials needed in the glass making process. Area 2 has 3 Furnace 1's (used to melt the materials such as sand and other ingredients into a vitreous mass) and a Stamp Mill (used to pound hard to melt rocks and pebbles into more easily meltable chunks). Area 3 has Furnace 2 (used to re-melt the vitreous mass into a more flexible shape) and Furnace 3 (used to cool the glass once it has been shaped); there will also be some work troughs used in the shaping of glass in Area 3. Area 4 stores the finished glass products and is also a prep area for transportation. Those who work the glassworks will be quartered in Area 5 and have access to two dwellings and a mess hall for eating, I may even add a barn for storage of foodstuffs and payment of peasant workers.

Area 6 (optional) is to be an elongated dam that diverts more water flow to the southern bend than to the northern bend during rain periods. That would essentially provide a faster current to power the stamp mill when mixed with the rapids in the area. It would also help to explain some of the flooding that may occur with old ruins near the southern bend.

Regardless of whether you were to allow me to add a dam or not, I was also wondering if I could reterra the islands' and surrounding lowlands' elevation a bit.

As for test of the glassworks I am sure you've seen my furnaces in game.


Staff member
Gawain777 WeStanLoras : I've had a chance to look at both of your tests, and I have feedback.

Currently, awb's test fits the brief a bit closer than Gawain's. The gate should look relatively similar (although not identical) to the gate at /warp hvgate. Gawain, I think you could get closer to what I'm looking for by rounding out some of the shapes you have and widening the gate passage way a bit.

For both tests, I think you should take advantage of the strategic high points on either side of the road. There could be space for archers (like the towers behind Yronwood castle on the Boneway) or possibly a walkway on one or both sides of the pass (like at the Bloody Gate).


Hey i Apply for the Winery Compley near /hvham1.
I changed the Plotting a bit but said on the Plot Discription its fine !
Near the Complex is a Cliff i suggest making a cool looking cave where they Storage there Wine for ageing.
U can Check it out South of Crownlandsweek.
I didnt Build on my Plot bc my Hole plot is on Jungle Biome for my new Projects Tests.
I will Delete the tests i did Instand when the Winery get approved or not !



Staff member
Hey Lem I would like to apply for Hornvale Glassworks.
View attachment 12401
I numbered each area of the glassworks [Areas 1 - 4 are in the Orange parts, Area 5 is in the Red, and Area 6 is in the Blue]. Area 1 is a general storage or prep area of the resources and materials needed in the glass making process. Area 2 has 3 Furnace 1's (used to melt the materials such as sand and other ingredients into a vitreous mass) and a Stamp Mill (used to pound hard to melt rocks and pebbles into more easily meltable chunks). Area 3 has Furnace 2 (used to re-melt the vitreous mass into a more flexible shape) and Furnace 3 (used to cool the glass once it has been shaped); there will also be some work troughs used in the shaping of glass in Area 3. Area 4 stores the finished glass products and is also a prep area for transportation. Those who work the glassworks will be quartered in Area 5 and have access to two dwellings and a mess hall for eating, I may even add a barn for storage of foodstuffs and payment of peasant workers.

Area 6 (optional) is to be an elongated dam that diverts more water flow to the southern bend than to the northern bend during rain periods. That would essentially provide a faster current to power the stamp mill when mixed with the rapids in the area. It would also help to explain some of the flooding that may occur with old ruins near the southern bend.

Regardless of whether you were to allow me to add a dam or not, I was also wondering if I could reterra the islands' and surrounding lowlands' elevation a bit.

As for test of the glassworks I am sure you've seen my furnaces in game.
Overall, I really like your plans (especially the tests you did for the furnaces). Just one thing, though, which I've mentioned in-game: I think the work area would benefit from a larger workshop building that contains more of the glassmaking process. I'd like to see a new map and a facade test for this workshop building before I approve.


Staff member
Hey i Apply for the Winery Compley near /hvham1.
I changed the Plotting a bit but said on the Plot Discription its fine !
Near the Complex is a Cliff i suggest making a cool looking cave where they Storage there Wine for ageing.
U can Check it out South of Crownlandsweek.
I didnt Build on my Plot bc my Hole plot is on Jungle Biome for my new Projects Tests.
I will Delete the tests i did Instand when the Winery get approved or not !

Hi Jeff,

This test looks great! I just have a few critiques:
  • You shouldn't use path blocks. We can add dimension to the paths using stormlands pebbles if necessary.
  • The ints of the farmhouse should be nicer. Rather than this house being for all the vineyard workers, the whole village area works in the vineyard. So this house is more so for the overseer's family, and the ints could look something like Geralt's villa in the Blood and Wine DLC of Witcher 3 in terms of layout/type of rooms.
  • T stables should include a loft or some other area for a stablehand/groom to live.

Otherwise, there's just a few smaller things that we can address in-game. Feel free to start building in-place near hvham1!
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Here's my application for /warp hvseptry

My view is that the septry sits on the site of what formerly was an older complex, but destroyed during an earlier war. This would explain the new septry being built so close to the cliff instead of on the flatter area of the slope - as this already had existing ruins. The older ruins have eroded over time however, and are now used as garden walls. The oldest structure still standing is the small outbuilding - probably an unimportant part of the previous complex.
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Hey Lem! I am applying for the Inn in Hornvale that seems to be unfinished and abandoned. I have a completed test at /warp waltertheiii

The inn has 3 floors, 7 bedrooms (including 1 innkeeper), 9 beds for guests, attic storage area, a lower tavern area for guests and locals as well as a large outfitted kitchen with basement. As the Inn is in the center of Hornvale, I imagined it would be run by a family and offer cheaper rooms and more nicer rooms (difference in beds too).

link to some images
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Hey Lem! I am applying for the Inn in Hornvale that seems to be unfinished and abandoned. I have a completed test at /warp waltertheiii

The inn has 3 floors, 7 bedrooms (including 1 innkeeper), 9 beds for guests, attic storage area, a lower tavern area for guests and locals as well as a large outfitted kitchen with basement. As the Inn is in the center of Hornvale, I imagined it would be run by a family and offer cheaper rooms and more nicer rooms (difference in beds too).

link to some images
This what I wanted for the inn, but never could figure out how to implement it, so I abandoned it. Looks great btw.
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Staff member
Hey Lem! I am applying for the Inn in Hornvale that seems to be unfinished and abandoned. I have a completed test at /warp waltertheiii

The inn has 3 floors, 7 bedrooms (including 1 innkeeper), 9 beds for guests, attic storage area, a lower tavern area for guests and locals as well as a large outfitted kitchen with basement. As the Inn is in the center of Hornvale, I imagined it would be run by a family and offer cheaper rooms and more nicer rooms (difference in beds too).

link to some images
Hi Walter,

Your inn looks great! I have just a few critiques, which you can work on after moving your test to Hornvale.
  • I'd make the 2nd floor one block taller so that it is 3 blocks tall instead of 2. This will make the inn look less short from the square side.
  • There needs to be better lighting on the first floor. I'd change the style of the fireplace so that it's larger and possibly add windows or a chandelier.
  • Way too many different kinds of plants around the inn, and too many Lannister banners inside.
  • Some of your ceilings need work (particularly in terms of the direction of the rafters).
  • I'm not as sure about how open the kitchen area is, but you could convince me it's appropriate.


Staff member
Here's my application for /warp hvseptry

My view is that the septry sits on the site of what formerly was an older complex, but destroyed during an earlier war. This would explain the new septry being built so close to the cliff instead of on the flatter area of the slope - as this already had existing ruins. The older ruins have eroded over time however, and are now used as garden walls. The oldest structure still standing is the small outbuilding - probably an unimportant part of the previous complex.
This is a good start, but I don't really care for the backstory. I already have a septry with a similar backstory in Tarbeck lands, and I don't think it makes much sense for the Brax lands when war isn't really part of the story for House Brax and the Brax lands are relatively defensible and isolated.

The buttressing is interesting, but I'm not a big fan of the tower (roof, detailing, 4x4 shape) or the use of space. I'd much rather have additional buildings, evidence of some sort of industry, etc. Here's a great website that outlines the different elements that could make up a medieval abbey or monastery:

Also, please tell me the warp location for your test so I can look at it in closer detail.


This is a good start, but I don't really care for the backstory. I already have a septry with a similar backstory in Tarbeck lands, and I don't think it makes much sense for the Brax lands when war isn't really part of the story for House Brax and the Brax lands are relatively defensible and isolated.

The buttressing is interesting, but I'm not a big fan of the tower (roof, detailing, 4x4 shape) or the use of space. I'd much rather have additional buildings, evidence of some sort of industry, etc. Here's a great website that outlines the different elements that could make up a medieval abbey or monastery:

Also, please tell me the warp location for your test so I can look at it in closer detail.
/warp finn01

I made some changes to the septry a few days ago anyway, wasn't happy with how the tower looked. Gonna have a look at that link too.