Planning List of all available projects


Updated with a few projects being shifted to orphans and some requesting updates. If there are any you see that needs to be shifted that I missed please post here. I have other plans for this list, such as creating one that doesn't judge our progress by the number of projects done but by the scale of the projects ranging between 1-5 points. IE 5 = KL to 1 the petty size of Hetherspoon. Aswell there may a be page that indicates clearly the requirements of each project if one was interested. IE Listing out mini builds that will fall underneath its category, and listing the projects from difficulty as to allow builders to select by their desire of how much they wish to undertake work.


Here is the start of a new project completion list. This list is intended to gain a better estimation of our completion. To do this, I established a scale to award each location for its size and significance. The scale is 1-6 and each level is determined by a number of factors but here they are with ambiguity:

6 = Major Location with large lands.
Best example: Kingslanding
5 = Major locations with moderate lands or, known locations with large towns/cities
Best Examples: BitterBridge, StoneySept
4 = Fair undertaking of lands and well-known locations.
Best example: Dreadfort and Fairmarket
3 = Reasonable size project in general. Could be a well-known castle as well but the size is pretty small
Best examples: Eyrie, Wickenden

2 = Relatively unknown locations, few small hamlets and would be an easy undertaking.
Best examples: Falwell, Cressey
1 = Very small and unknown or not mentioned enough to justify higher points.
Examples: Hetherspoon, most Wall Castles

As well, the complexity of the project is taken into consideration. Such as Greywater Watch is more complex due to its water migration. This is only if the complexity is required due to canon.

In general:
Locations heavy in Canon = More Points
Large lands and higher populations = More Points
More complex/Difficult = More Points

What are not awarded points:

Years to complete
The beauty/success of the project
The complexity/difficulty the builder gives the project, least very little. Such as if the builder decides to make massive forest and cliff around the water more points will not be awarded. HOWEVER, size and population —canonical or not — will affect the grading system. So if the builder decides to build a walled town and increase the overall population of Westeros I believe they should earn more.

Points are also awarded to projects in progress. 1/2 the total rewarded if they were completed.

This being said. I need help.
Choosing where these houses to go will take some time but GUESS WHAT!? YOU CAN HELP! *Audience Gasp* I have a few I immediately knew where I'd like to put. Many others I have an idea but want to double check. However, if everyone could assist, I need help deciding where to put all the rest. So, if you have an idea, please go ahead and post below! OR, if you disagree with me please let me know as my arrangements are not final. To help please post in this thread.

NOTE: Unbuilt Locations with little canon will be assumed to be level 2 until someone takes it up and suggests to it otherwise. It is assumed that due to lack of canon there wouldn't be large towns built in these locations and that our current project average — 3 hamlets with a Smallish castle, fields, and forests — would instead apply. (Some may be applied to randomly placed to as a 3). It should be that unless justified or known otherwise each project should aim to be at least level 2. Projects at level 1 should only be out of date, and/or canonically just a few structures and some land work.


Here new project completion list, Ot need help. Please help Ot. Thank.

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Love the proposition! I'll try to give a look if I have some free time for this soon :)

The link doesn't work btw (for me at least)
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Royal Messenger
Otty i see you have put down both the three houses of Magnar, Crowl and Stane as level 2 projekts in the north (Not complete), and The island of Skagos as a level 5 (Not complete). The three houses all reside on Skagos, so you might wanna remove Skagos from the list and just keep the houses of Skagos on the list.


Otty i see you have put down both the three houses of Magnar, Crowl and Stane as level 2 projekts in the north (Not complete), and The island of Skagos as a level 5 (Not complete). The three houses all reside on Skagos, so you might wanna remove Skagos from the list and just keep the houses of Skagos on the list.
Renamed to Skane and lowered to a level 4 as a ruined location but with property of an entire island


I have no idea how to change anything there and I don't want to mess anything up so I'll just post the changes I would make (relating to my former projects) here:

-Westwatch should be a 2/maybe 3 given the terraforming for the gorge
-Lord Hewett's Town should be a 3/4, fair amount of canon, small walled town, lots of terraforming required. Also, finished (depending on when a project is 'finished' (done, but not post-approved yet)


I have no idea how to change anything there and I don't want to mess anything up so I'll just post the changes I would make (relating to my former projects) here:

-Westwatch should be a 2/maybe 3 given the terraforming for the gorge
-Lord Hewett's Town should be a 3/4, fair amount of canon, small walled town, lots of terraforming required. Also, finished (depending on when a project is 'finished' (done, but not post-approved yet)

Just as a clarification, (This is more for the public to note and not you MD), terraforming is a bit of an objective vs subjective thing. I will allow for Lord Hewett's town to be considered for its terraforming but that is due to the expanse of the terraforming requiring all the islands to be redone. However, I only consider the expanse of terraforming done, not the complexity unless the complexity was absolutely required to accommodate some sort of canon (Grey Water Watch, OT). Terraforming can vary by builder/editor skill. Projects such as Broom could have had a ton of terraforming but did not as it's lead was new and therefore less skilled to create overly detailed forests and ravines. Banefort isn't too very large, but lucked out having some fantastic editors create its intricate cliffside. Therefore, unless the complexity is canon, I try judging based on the size/space of the WE'd.

Some older projects, especially in the north lack WE but have large areas of lands.
These do lose points because their project did not encompass everything we'd consider to be important to a project now.

If you edit this doc, the one I have opened to the public, you may screw it up as it is why it's the public doc and not my untouchable one you see listed. :p


The points are not imperative and don't concern anyone but those interested in helping but they're intended to estimate the completion of the lands better as before each project only received 1 point. But KL is HUGE and shouldn't receive the same number of points as wimpy heatherspoon. So it's just to better judge estimate at where we sit in terms of completion. It also allows those looking into picking up a project to decipher which one they'd wished to take. Looking for an easy project to knock out? select a 1 or 2. Looking to challenge yourself a bit more? Pick a 4 or design one to fit a level 4.


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Should Gift and New Gift hamlets, as a single project be added? or would it be part of the Wall castles?


Should Gift and New Gift hamlets, as a single project be added? or would it be part of the Wall castles?
Hmmm, it would be a vast area of land to have, I have a vague feeling we should leave that up to the future team who will go back into the world and merge projects together and add hamlets etc.


Knight of Fairmarket
Mmmhm exactly what I was thinking, and therefore a stronger contestant to simply be reserved for the end of the project when we decide to fill spaces in.
Barely anyone wants to fill in blank space right now, even with a full project attached to it. What makes you think people are going to be interested to fill in space with nothing but a couple of farms, hovels and a holdfast at best?
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Barely anyone wants to fill in blank space right now, even with a full project attached to it. What makes you think people are going to be interested to fill in space with nothing but a couple of farms, hovels and a holdfast at best?

I was talking about the far off future when, if ever, we finish all the projects. The Gift would be something to add in then and not something now, as yes, no one wants to do that bland work. The gift is not of serious concern, nor strong enough to contest for being a possible project IMO. Therefore, I was saying we worry it about a time when we're trying to sort out these ambiguous minutiaes and not at a time when we have clear and defined projects to still complete. I don't believe people are interested in such task and saw it more of necessity we may end up doing in the future and thus leaving it to then.

Essentially you're debating a point I already made and decided to leave up to the future as a concern for then.

Edit: Plus more than 3/4ths of the wall castles have been built and I can't expect the final few do the work all of them should have pitched in on
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Knight of Fairmarket
I was talking about the far off future when, if ever, we finish all the projects. The Gift would be something to add in then and not something now, as yes, no one wants to do that bland work. The gift is not of serious concern, nor strong enough to contest for being a possible project IMO. Therefore, I was saying we worry it about a time when we're trying to sort out these ambiguous minutiaes and not at a time when we have clear and defined projects to still complete. I don't believe people are interested in such task and saw it more of necessity we may end up doing in the future and thus leaving it to then.

Essentially you're debating a point I already made and decided to leave up to the future as a concern for then.

Edit: Plus more than 3/4ths of the wall castles have been built and I can't expect the final few do the work all of them should have pitched in on
I highly recommend thinking about the problem right now rather than shoving it to somepoint in the not so distant future. Connecting projects to eachother should be a concern right now rather than an afterthought when everyone considers the server done.

As for the Gift itself, I think calling it a non-project with nothing really in it does it great injustice. Several sources in the books indicate that the Gift is a land with good properties. Its rich history gives builders plenty of material to make it a project as interesting as any other project. I would even suggest to divide the Gift into several projects.


I highly recommend thinking about the problem right now rather than shoving it to some point in the not so distant future. Connecting projects to each other should be a concern right now rather than an afterthought when everyone considers the server done.

As for the Gift itself, I think calling it a non-project with nothing really in it does it great injustice. Several sources in the books indicate that the Gift is a land with good properties. Its rich history gives builders plenty of material to make it a project as interesting as any other project. I would even suggest dividing the Gift into several projects.

I have, but my biggest reservation in doing so would honestly be what I feel like would be a breach in my authority. I only own the document and move stuff around as it affects little to nothing on the server. Assigning new projects without the permission of a few mods seems to be assigning myself powers I do not own. It seems however that a few believe the gift should be given a home on the list, which is fair. I cannot argue that it needs to be done, and frankly, I don't care how it gets done just that it does.

Rather I think this should bring up a point.
I don't have control over the map. I just a list of projects that I took over from the last mod (demodocus) who quit updating it — and the co-op with a waz has been dropped. Previously, adding new projects/ shifting where things belonged was okay as I would often have the permission to do so from at least a single moderator. I'm hesitant now to make such decisions as — as stated formerly — it would be assigning myself the decision maker of some fairly important topics and things that other builders could only comment on. If any mod would like to step up as a co-op or If I could be given the okay to make such decisions, it would help when people come forward with such propositions as Aeskios and Estoop have.