Abandoned House Goode by Patrick_0901


Faith Militant
Hey there, i will hereby be applying for my first project.

House Goode is a small but prominent house of the riverlands, sworn to house Tully.
3 members of the kingsguard have been chosen from this house. Their lands are
filled with woods, farms and villages, and also the larger town of Bechester falls under
their direct rule. Lots of interesting locations are included in the project.

The project document can be found attached to this message.


  • House goode application.pdf
    1.9 MB · Views: 178


Street Preacher
Hey Patrick great app, one question. I’m not a mod or had an app approved before so not sure if this feedback is of any use but I would be interested in seeing some tests on how the river/lake banks will look along with some inspiration images. It would help people with over riverlands projects in mind and have a more cohesive River bank design for the blackwater.


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Anyone can give feedback, Flip, and yours is really important and helpful.

Also, while the riverlands did burn, we don't hear of raiders getting this close to Stoney Sept and the main branch of the Blackwater later on. There's a number of settlements along the northern shore that will be burnt or have their crops taken or destroyed but that has not yet occurred within the timeline yet. So I propose at most having an encampment of Lorch's raiders around a recently burnt structure.


Faith Militant

The required Bechester update appeal has been posted and approved.
I also have improved the project form, It can be found on the top of this Post

Gr. Patrick_0901


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Hey Patrick,

I got a chance to look at your tests in-game; I think your plans and everything look pretty good! The only major feedback I have is that I'm a bit unsure of your current house tests for the Bechester update; they feel a bit too much like the Tumbleton style to me, but it would be nice to see you experiment with something with a bit more Riverlands flair, serving as a transition from that style. Also, since Bechester is a pretty small town, I'd recommend having the houses be a bit more spread out. The row-houses you have currently suggests a more developed, denser town.

Also, I'm wondering if you have any plans for agriculture in the non-forested parts of the top half of the project (around the northernmost hamlet)?


Staff member
Hey Patrick,

we intensively discussed your application ingame already.
I like your overall plans for the project look really promising,
I just think the style of your houses doesn't really match the Riverlands aestetic, and would feel more at home in Duskendale or KL.
As discussed already, i believe it's important for the style to be distinctively different to the crownlands/Kingslanding to make it obvious, that it's part of the Riverlands.
I like that you use a lot of wood and thatch, but instead of all grey stones, i think you should try to encorporate more palette variety. IMO sandstone and orange bricks would work great. The sandstone as a good transition to the crownlands and the westerlands, and the orange bricks as a uniquely riverlands element to the be more akin to Fairmarket and stoney sept.
Also, instead of the dark cobble + grey small stone combo i would also suggest a lighter palette like at stoney sept, with cobble and light grey stone.

Regarding the castle i also had some feedback which you already got ingame.
I would like you to update your tests and post screenshots here.

Looking forward to hearing from you and good luck!


Faith Militant
Hey all,

I managed to work a bit more on the castle design, me and luk already discussed a lot of things about the castle, but by posting it here i thought i could show at what stage i am right now, and feedback on it would be very welcome. Also i managed to try my hand at a few new designs for houses in Bechester, since i was told the old ones looked to much like the Tumbleton or kl styles, i tried to have a look at fairmarket and stoney sept for inspiration,

Here are some pictures of the castle and of the house concepts.


  • kasteel.png
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  • houses.png
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The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Hey Patrick,

I like your improved house styles, definitely feels like a good transition between Tumbleton and a more Riverlands-ey style now! The only thing I'd change is swap out is the orange slate for some other roof material; I'd keep that more localized to the Northern Riverlands and around the Westerlands border (i.e., within proximity to Fairmarket).

You have my approval otherwise.


Faith Militant
Hey homie, yes you have found the right thread! Could you maybe add a picture of your planning to your message, so we can see what you came up with
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Made a v2. Added more detail in the plottings, which would be made that way with the style guide anyway, changed some of the fances to look more natural, and added some detail in other houses. The sept has been moved to give way to the connected yard and the barn, and some houses locations have been changed to make them less evenly spaced out


Royal Messenger
heyy! i was promote to fullbuilders last week. as you know need 2 mini's to be an actual part of canon projects as my first mini project i'm interested in goodeham1

i made this plot you see in the imgur link recently

this is my first plotting of the hamlet

each color has a different meaning
red means buildings for animals barns/sheds
yellow means mid-low class houses
white means low class houses
and blue is the well

its on air in my plot ( /warp batelgause) you can find additional and needed information there. i'm open to change anything and waiting for your feedbacks. the yards are just to show my plans for now. i'll redo them properly as the professions are decided and project goes on

feel free to leave melons or contact me via discord or ingame i'll be waiting for your opinnions and feedback

i hope you like it. have a nice day !


Faith Militant
Hey homie and Batelgause, thank you for applying, looks like a promising start to me, i would like to have a closer look bit rn im still in vacation, i Will het in touch with both of you when i return!


Faith Militant
finally got a tree here, will change if anyone doesnt like
ty to jake for the tree
Hey there Homie!

I manage to take a look at your hamlet and i have some feedback i wanted to give.

First off your house placement is good but 2 houses merged together im not a great fan off, the problem here would be the roofs, they collide, and that would look
messy and if you have 2 diffrent roof materials this just wouldnt work. I would advice to raise or lower 1 of them, this way you can keep them connected and it wont look awkward. Also i feel your sept is just a bit to large for such a small hamlet, i would plan it to be a bit smaller. Also this hamlet is to small to have a septon, the septon would reside in Bechester. Also i feel the 2 yards of the houses east of your main tree are just a bit to small i would enlarge them a bit.

And lastly make sure all your yards hedges are less bubbly, you can achieve this by making the diagonal lines have an equal amount of blocks, see image below.
That would be it for now, im always available to help you if i am online, i am looking forward to see this feedback added in yr build.
You made a good start!