Abandoned House Goode by Patrick_0901


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Feedback I've got is that you probably shouldn't have the houses so close to the river unless they are on stilts or partly on stilts. There are good examples of this further up the Blackwater Rush at Stoney Sept. This would reduce the impact of flooding in autumn. I'd also move any sheds to the upper part of the bank too, even if its just one block higher so they're two blocks above water level.
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Royal Messenger
Feedback I've got is that you probably shouldn't have the houses so close to the river unless they are on stilts or partly on stilts. There are good examples of this further up the Blackwater Rush at Stoney Sept. This would reduce the impact of flooding in autumn. I'd also move any sheds to the upper part of the bank too, even if its just one block higher so they're two blocks above water level.
i'll take a look when i'm home thank you for the help :)


Royal Messenger
Feedback I've got is that you probably shouldn't have the houses so close to the river unless they are on stilts or partly on stilts. There are good examples of this further up the Blackwater Rush at Stoney Sept. This would reduce the impact of flooding in autumn. I'd also move any sheds to the upper part of the bank too, even if its just one block higher so they're two blocks above water level.
so i had a peek at stoneysept and i believe i can add partly on stilts to the lower houses after discussing with patrick and speaking of sheds i tried to relocate them but cant say it worked well therefore i've raised the height one block for the 2 main shared yards. feel free to take a look at the hamlet on my plot it floats in the air you have to fly up a little bit its the highest one this way you'll see it closer and will be able to give more feedback. have a good day!


Royal Messenger
I think the walls of the HF could be made a bit less organic. But otherwise I approve as well.
If you are referring to my hf: the walls (especially the palisades) follow the line of the hill to maximize defense, the stone walls are straight. This is historical, castles on hills/mountains usually follow the terrain in more organic forms.


The walls are quite curved and like a living organism, rather than much straighter geometric walls.

Also I am wondering why the back o it is o badly burnt but there is no burnt ground or outer walling
Ah I see what you mean. I agree tbh, the bubbly walls look strange


Faith Militant
Hey there Pertti and Batel,

Thank you for applying, as you might expect i have some feedback i would like to share with you guys.

First off i feel your yards just dont fit the terrain too well, this makes the hamlet feel out of place, especially on the left of your picture the yard border doesnt follow the river or the road. Try to find a way to blend it in better. Secondly i think the bottom right yard feels way to small for such a large amount of buildings, you can A enlarge the yard or B (my preffered way) :D move the house on the bottom to the left of your nice town square that spot now feels a bit empty, and it would solve the issue of the yard on the bottom right feeling to crowded. also the big barn on the right of the town square feels a bit to large for such a small simple hamlet.

Thirdly i would like to ask something of you guys, since this hamlet makes most of its living from fishing i would like to see a concept on how you guys would build the docks and what kind of method do these fisherman use, do they use nets or do they fish in boats its all up to you but i would like to see it back in a concept.

That would be about all for now, i look forward to seeing the updated version!

See you on the server, if you see me online feel free to ask me if you got any questions.


Royal Messenger
here is the updated version of our hamlet /goodeham4

/warp pertti is the warp you just need to fly a bit.

first of all we moved smoking house to hamlet center, hence , east yard looks bigger and less crowded while hamlet center looks a bit filled. also changed the west yard in a way that follows the river and relocated 2 farmer houses and the shed. therefore iMajic helped us a lot with some tree's and terra's (thanks maj)

now coming to the dock area, i added a cobblestone flood barrier that keeps water out from the houses at floods and made a docking area as patrick requested. because its a small hamlet we kept docking area rather small and simple and changed one of the proffesions to "boatmaker" from "fisherman"
since now the hamlet has a dock and boats someone must keep them in good condition so this boatmaker also has a working and repairing area just in front of his house where he repairs boats. speaking of which i added a damaged boat on the repair area to give it the hamlet a more realistic and atmospheric look.

we really like how it turned out and eagerly waiting for your feedbacks!
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Donkey Lord
Staff member
Hmm. that boat has a very deep almost circular draft. I'd suggest moving that central slab up a bit. River craft don't need deep drafts or keels anywhere near as much as ocean vessels, and its not easy to communicate that its a boat with that much of a curve to the bottom.


Hi people (more specifically mods), I'm Patrick's editor, and I've noticed the blackwater needs some love. I'll be helping Pat update the section of the river at Goode anyway, so I figured it might be better for cohesion's sake to get it done in one go. So would it be feasible to request an update of the river from the Stoney sept border to Rollingford? I've made a brief map of what could potentially be updated. Let me know if this is possible :)

- tests in editorfree4all

- Jake

Screenshot 2021-10-20 at 14.21.17.png
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Faith Militant
here is the updated version of our hamlet /goodeham4

/warp pertti is the warp you just need to fly a bit.

first of all we moved smoking house to hamlet center, hence , east yard looks bigger and less crowded while hamlet center looks a bit filled. also changed the west yard in a way that follows the river and relocated 2 farmer houses and the shed. therefore iMajic helped us a lot with some tree's and terra's (thanks maj)

now coming to the dock area, i added a cobblestone flood barrier that keeps water out from the houses at floods and made a docking area as patrick requested. because its a small hamlet we kept docking area rather small and simple and changed one of the proffesions to "boatmaker" from "fisherman"
since now the hamlet has a dock and boats someone must keep them in good condition so this boatmaker also has a working and repairing area just in front of his house where he repairs boats. speaking of which i added a damaged boat on the repair area to give it the hamlet a more realistic and atmospheric look.

we really like how it turned out and eagerly waiting for your feedbacks!
Hey Pertti and Batel,

Sorry for the long wait i had real life issues and this kept me from joining.

Anyway is was online today with both of you and we had a chat about the final changes to the hamlet planning.
We solved them together and i can say i am now happy on how it turned out!

I gladly approve you application for the hamlet.


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Hi people (more specifically mods), I'm Patrick's editor, and I've noticed the blackwater needs some love. I'll be helping Pat update the section of the river at Goode anyway, so I figured it might be better for cohesion's sake to get it done in one go. So would it be feasible to request an update of the river from the Stoney sept border to Rollingford? I've made a brief map of what could potentially be updated. Let me know if this is possible :)

- tests in editorfree4all

- Jake

View attachment 11158

I'm not sure about using extreme hills in the blackwater palette, despite it fitting the name of the river. Just generally not a fan of the breathe effect popping up in the South.


Hey Horst, nice farmstead. I think applications for this mini should wait until the river terrain is sorted, as the current stream that’s marked out doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t follow the path of least resistance.
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Donkey Lord
Staff member
A note on that stream, I suggest making a retaining wall at some point along it and damming the stream so you can have an overshot wheel. There's a brilliant example of a stamp mill and overshot wheel at red lake north east of the logging camp (rllumberjack).