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  1. Antony

    Approved Immersion Build: The Burning Septry.

    Hello, this is Ant. I present to you, after 2 years of work and development the application for the immersion which also would happen to be canon, the Burning Septry in the Riverlands, visited and then subsequently burned by the Brotherhood + Arya in a Storm of Swords, chapter 39, Arya VIII...
  2. Antony

    Wiki Wiki Submission for A hidden valley in the Red Mountains

    A hidden valley in the Red Mountains House Yronwood Dorne Project Lead(s): Antony_Justman & Zsomiking Build Type: Village Warp: /warp Rmvalley Project Application...
  3. Antony

    Approved Stepstones Megaproject (Bloodstone, Birdstone, Grey Gallows) by Antony_Justman

    Soo... the time has FINALY come!! A small intro So, before I proceed, I need to state that, I have decided, to call this project a megabuild, more due to its size and also, itself beeing comprised by three islands, if that is, one can say 1 island would equal a project, but since all other...
  4. Antony

    Approved Redo Appeal: Bloodstone

    Hello, Ant here, again. Now, this is my redo appeal, on regards of the Island of Bloodstone in the Stepstones. The appeal, would be justified, mostly under clause C: I'd consider this one beeing pretty obvious, since Bloodstone is currently a large patch of purple wool, and also has already...
  5. Antony

    Fire and Blood Season in Westeroscraft - Battle in the Stepstones

    Shiver me timbers, the time has come!! The Stepstones (Or rather a colourful peek of what is to come) Now, with the battle in Ep 3 of House of the Dragon, and the rather exciting (for me it was meh, idk about the others) battle in the Stepstones, or the possibilty of other events taking place...
  6. Antony

    Planning Justman-Teague Multiple Seat Theory

    Right, let's start with a small introduction on the nature of this thread. This thread, focuses on what is simply a theory, a conclusion drawn from the study of relevant canon and maps. It serves no other purpose, other than just a bit of interesting headcanon for our current and future...
  7. Antony

    Withdrawn Grey Gallows by Anthony_Justman & Willas_Tyrell

    Hey!:D Ant and Will here, and heres our app for the Island of Grey Gallows in the Stepstones. Everything should be explained in the app. Since it covers matters from inspiration, terrain, economy, and even culture, system of governance and society structure. So as you can understand its quite...
  8. Antony

    Withdrawn Immersion Build Application - The ruined seat of House Justman - by Antony_Justman

    Hello, and this is my app for the castle of House Justman. You, may of course, wonder , why, this is an immersion build, and not a canon project. Well the answer is simple, all lands once held, directly by the house, belong now to the Houses, Blackwood and Bracken, so, they should be done, by...
  9. Antony

    Approved Immersion Build - A hidden valley with a village, North of Yronwood-by Antony_Justman & Zsomiking

    Ok, so here's the app :D Because the Area is too quite expansive, we probably need two approving mods for the Project. With it, we are aiming, to give, a different yet familiar feel to the region, which undoubtedly has quite a Cretan feel to it, the history and culture of Northern Dornishmen...
  10. Antony

    Wiki Wiki Submission for House Parren

    House Parren House Parren The Westerlands Project lead(s): Antony_Justman, Willas_Tyrell Build Type: Castle Warp: /warp Parren Project Application: Start Date: Feb 3, 2020 Build Status: Completed Completion...
  11. Antony

    Wiki Wiki Submission for An unnamed ancient ruined Septry

    An unnamed ancient ruined Septry House Justman then, now House Tully The Riverlands Project lead(s): Antony_Justman Name(s) of project lead(s) Build Type: Ruin Warp: /warp ssruinedseptry Project Application...
  12. Antony

    I got macos too, and the launcher, just wouldn't get me in

    OS: macOS Mojave (10.14.6) Launcher Edition: 1.6.0 Issue: When trying joining, after pressing play, everything goes normal, till the point before joining, the picture of that stone brick wall, but it doesn't say anything, like "joining the server" etc... , just the stone wall, and then it gets...
  13. Antony

    Completed Immersion Build Application - A ruined septry dating from the Justman era - by Antony_Justman

    Prologue The immersion build i am applying for is a ruined old septry dating from the time of House Justman, and it has been in that condition or ruin and abandonment from the time of the Conquest of the Riverlands by House Hoare of the Iron Islands. The septry it self was built as a sign of...
  14. Antony

    Probation: Antony_Justman

    This thread will be my probation build list :)
  15. Antony

    Antony Builder Application

    I am 16 years old I am from Greece I firstly learned about the server from the WesterosCraft channel on youtube, and especially from the WesterosCraft walks videos hosted by Dutchguard and Kobe, where I was really fascinated by the style of the builds and generally the server itself I...
  16. Antony


    Firstly, I have to point out, that this thread, is a whole description for the certain project, but because I am no builder, and because ,most likely, no one will follow the ideas and description below, I decided to post my plan here. For a better fit between the the style of the main build...
  17. Antony

    Antony Builder Application

    I'm 15 years old Greece I came along the channel of the server on youtube The Lord of the rings, the Hobbit and Silmarillion by J.R.R Tolkien Game of Thrones Clash of Kings Storm of Swords Dance of Dragons All of the above My favourite character in Stannis Baratheon...