Hello, Ant here, again.
Now, this is my redo appeal, on regards of the Island of Bloodstone in the Stepstones. The appeal, would be justified, mostly under clause C:
Now, also under Clause B:
According to newer canon maps (The Lands of Ice and Fire), the island which is currently named as Bloodstone in our map, isn't it. I understand that it was not clear in the past, but in the new maps that have now been released, its position is obvious.
In the book "The Lands of Ice and Fire" one can clearly see that Bloodstone, is the isle in the middle, instead of the one closest to Dorne, with Canon Grey Gallows, beeing, right below.
The above position is also enforced by the Map of the Free Cities, on ADwD, which doesnt include the island, that in our would would be considered as Bloodstone. But it does contain Bloodstone, in the general middle of the archipelago, with Grey Gallows, beeing a small shitstain of an island, right underneath.
Now, ofcourse, it would be appropriate to add, that the island, that is considered as Bloodstone, in our map, is always, placed almost next to the Broken Arm of Dorne, in all maps, which given the aforementioned information, would disqualify it, as beeing the Canon Bloodstone.
I should also add, that the above information, regarding Clause B, also count for the island of Grey Gallows, as it is currently in our server. Our version is too sizable, beeing almost the same size as our Bloodstone, nor does it follow the shape of canon island, as seen in both ADwD and The Lands of Ice and Fire.
Having said the above, it should be now appropriate to discuss in general, my plans for the region.
In a few words, all the islands of the Stepstones, shall be yeeted from the face of the earth, with the exceptions of old Bloodstone, now Birdstone (Bird's Bloodstone, Aeksio came up with it, clever isn't it? Hehe), and the southernmost island, of the coast of Spottswood, which I shall not be claiming.
This new, multi-island project, or even if it could be considered a megabuild, since at this point, the lines between projects over here, is kind off blurred (after all I will be nuking almost everything we have and start planting new islands), will be as seen in the following map:
(Courtesy of Rexstop15 )
With the project beeing as extensive as it is, the main aim is for a viable and cohesive style guide among the islands, and also the creation of important lore, that would serve, filling the massive gaps that exist regarding this most important archipelago. Minus the general pirate stuff,the massive amount of wars that take place over there and the large number of canon contradictions, really little else is known.
Now, the canon justification for everything seen in the map above, can be seen in the following document:
(P.S. Please excuse the syntax errors and the occasional missing word, since I most likely thought about it and then forgot to write it.)
Edit: A small clarification regarding the larger settlements and esspecialy Konossos. Konossos you see, is where the battle between Alyn Oakenfist and the Braavosi took place, the town there is ruined, and also, Racallio's wooden fort, is none other than its ancient Acropolis, looming over it on the larger hill to the east. The current name for the settlement, as seen in the new revised map, which should be finished soon, is Queen's Harbour, reffering to Racallio ofc.
Thanks for reading!
Now, this is my redo appeal, on regards of the Island of Bloodstone in the Stepstones. The appeal, would be justified, mostly under clause C:
I'd consider this one beeing pretty obvious, since Bloodstone is currently a large patch of purple wool, and also has already been decleared Abandoned from Dutchguard, back in 2021.c) Abandoned Build Clause: If a build is incomplete and filed under the project orphanage as an abandoned build, it may be allowed to be redone. The intuition behind this clause is that it can be difficult to pick up someone else's outdated work, and if we expect people to do this very few people would want to apply to finish abandoned builds. However, moderators reserve the right to veto a redo for an abandoned build if they deem the existing portions to be particularly high quality.
As birdman has been inactive for well over a year, this project is now formally abandoned.
Now, also under Clause B:
The main issue with canon here, mostly derives on this aspect:b) Inadequate Canon Clause: If the build under consideration objectively lacks important canon, which directly impacts the planning or style of the build, it may be allowed to be redone. For this to be satisfied, the claimant must prove unambiguously that a substantial amount of canon has been missed. The claimant's case will be assisted if it can be shown that this lack of canon was understood to be an issue before they intended to apply for redo.
[UPDATE (12/16/18)]: Redos will be tentatively allowed for builds which get new canon in new publications, but giving mods the right reject these on a case-by-case basis depending on circumstances.
According to newer canon maps (The Lands of Ice and Fire), the island which is currently named as Bloodstone in our map, isn't it. I understand that it was not clear in the past, but in the new maps that have now been released, its position is obvious.

The above position is also enforced by the Map of the Free Cities, on ADwD, which doesnt include the island, that in our would would be considered as Bloodstone. But it does contain Bloodstone, in the general middle of the archipelago, with Grey Gallows, beeing a small shitstain of an island, right underneath.
Now, ofcourse, it would be appropriate to add, that the island, that is considered as Bloodstone, in our map, is always, placed almost next to the Broken Arm of Dorne, in all maps, which given the aforementioned information, would disqualify it, as beeing the Canon Bloodstone.
I should also add, that the above information, regarding Clause B, also count for the island of Grey Gallows, as it is currently in our server. Our version is too sizable, beeing almost the same size as our Bloodstone, nor does it follow the shape of canon island, as seen in both ADwD and The Lands of Ice and Fire.
Having said the above, it should be now appropriate to discuss in general, my plans for the region.
In a few words, all the islands of the Stepstones, shall be yeeted from the face of the earth, with the exceptions of old Bloodstone, now Birdstone (Bird's Bloodstone, Aeksio came up with it, clever isn't it? Hehe), and the southernmost island, of the coast of Spottswood, which I shall not be claiming.
This new, multi-island project, or even if it could be considered a megabuild, since at this point, the lines between projects over here, is kind off blurred (after all I will be nuking almost everything we have and start planting new islands), will be as seen in the following map:

With the project beeing as extensive as it is, the main aim is for a viable and cohesive style guide among the islands, and also the creation of important lore, that would serve, filling the massive gaps that exist regarding this most important archipelago. Minus the general pirate stuff,the massive amount of wars that take place over there and the large number of canon contradictions, really little else is known.
Now, the canon justification for everything seen in the map above, can be seen in the following document:
(P.S. Please excuse the syntax errors and the occasional missing word, since I most likely thought about it and then forgot to write it.)
Stepstones Canon (Finaly works).pdf

Edit: A small clarification regarding the larger settlements and esspecialy Konossos. Konossos you see, is where the battle between Alyn Oakenfist and the Braavosi took place, the town there is ruined, and also, Racallio's wooden fort, is none other than its ancient Acropolis, looming over it on the larger hill to the east. The current name for the settlement, as seen in the new revised map, which should be finished soon, is Queen's Harbour, reffering to Racallio ofc.
Thanks for reading!
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