Every point of view is valid being it coming from a probation builder, a builder, an editor, a moderator or an admin. Nowhere in this thread has the feedback of anyone been neglected or brushed aside. Presenting counter arguments against a point of view is as valid (and it’s not under appreciating the other person’s points or abusing of power dynamics) as someone having an opinion about the subject.
Regardless if it’s a bad or good change, we are clearly forgetting that the change was made to benefit the server and it’s quality. Perhaps the result wasn’t as expected by a lot of people and the opinions are polarising, but there was care and time taken into creating this change and we should cherish that and not be entitled to the point of making it a me problem, everyone that’s a builder has been affected the same way with their builds (being them small or huge). I’m positive Thamus and Emot are more than open to receive feedback, and they haven’t demonstrated otherwise. So please, let’s be objective about this and take it calmly. If you have really strong feelings about the change present solutions and incite ideas, don’t just say you don’t like it or it affected you this way or this way (a completely valid thought, builds take hours upon hours to make so it’s normal it’s a touchy subject, but bringing that into the conversation isn’t productive in the least)
Obviously Thamus didn’t create the textures to spite people or devalue their projects and builds so let’s not act that this was an act against them.
Lastly I’d like to underline that I’m not criticising anyone, all points brought in the thread are valid in their own way
Let’s continue to discuss changes and solutions in a positive manner

Regardless if it’s a bad or good change, we are clearly forgetting that the change was made to benefit the server and it’s quality. Perhaps the result wasn’t as expected by a lot of people and the opinions are polarising, but there was care and time taken into creating this change and we should cherish that and not be entitled to the point of making it a me problem, everyone that’s a builder has been affected the same way with their builds (being them small or huge). I’m positive Thamus and Emot are more than open to receive feedback, and they haven’t demonstrated otherwise. So please, let’s be objective about this and take it calmly. If you have really strong feelings about the change present solutions and incite ideas, don’t just say you don’t like it or it affected you this way or this way (a completely valid thought, builds take hours upon hours to make so it’s normal it’s a touchy subject, but bringing that into the conversation isn’t productive in the least)
Obviously Thamus didn’t create the textures to spite people or devalue their projects and builds so let’s not act that this was an act against them.
Lastly I’d like to underline that I’m not criticising anyone, all points brought in the thread are valid in their own way
Let’s continue to discuss changes and solutions in a positive manner
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