Hi yes can we make sunflowers CTM so that when we place one on top of the other it makes a double tall sunflower thats appropriate for sunflower fields thanks
I have a list with plants that would be native to Westeros but I haven't gotten around to assign (possible) blocks to them.If you guys can compile a well-researched list of shrubs/ flowers that are tall when fully grown, I have time to work through it on the weekend.
Possible block types for vegetation are:gotten around to assign (possible) blocks to them
If you guys can compile a well-researched list of shrubs/ flowers that are tall when fully grown, I have time to work through it on the weekend.
2) A white rose equivalent plant for the white rose bush
2) A pink rose equivalent plant for the pink rose bush
The latter two in particular I want because we currently have rose plants for red and yellow rose bushes
Is there a specific reason why our wood blocks have that ctm border around them? I usually end up stacking slabs to make wooden walls in order to avoid the ctm border.
So you're making them to represent specific plants? My original intention was to cluster plants into groups that look similar and could be represented by the same block, in order to limit the number of blocks needed to represent them all. After all, most builders are not going to know/care what specific plants are used for but rather use them to represent "garden plants".Also once/if these are (ever) available in game, if you want Wisteria, ask for Wisteria. Let's not re-interpret other blocks (foxglove)
I'm making these with the specific height and habitus of the respective plants in mind.
My original intention was to cluster plants into groups that look similar and could be represented by the same block, in order to limit the number of blocks needed to represent them all.
Case in point, ThamusBlocks (https://bitbucket.org/Christian_Lieven/thamusblocks/src/master/) takes about 15 minutes to load :S. And beyond the physical limit, there is actually a set maximum amount of block IDs Minecraft can handle apparently.Just keep in mind that with every additional block we add, the WesterosBlocks mod will require more memory.
Case in point, ThamusBlocks (https://bitbucket.org/Christian_Lieven/thamusblocks/src/master/) takes about 15 minutes to load :S. And beyond the physical limit, there is actually a set maximum amount of block IDs Minecraft can handle apparently.
But maybe there is a way that this can be improved? I hear 1.13. actually removes the set maximum, but if we wanted better performance perhaps switching the base engine (both client and serverside) is worth consideration (https://github.com/fogleman/Craft, https://www.minetest.net/, https://wiki.vg/Craftd:Main_Page [remember @dotblank anyone!?!!], https://cuberite.org/, https://wiki.vg/Client_List) or maybe the mod can be optimized. I still know nothing about Java so I'm quite useless there.
Removing blocks is, erm, a little bit problematic. If an ID has been used somewhere in the world, removing the block from the mod will lead to world incompatibility problems until that specific instance is removed. Shifting all the current IDs to fill the space left by the sound blocks is also difficult.
I just want to point out that I'm still really hesitant to add new "general" blocks (general is defined as blocks where the context of use covers the entire map, which is the case even for the subset of "just rich houses"). I know I added some much appreciated new things in the recent update, but there's always a measured consideration of whether a block will actually outdate a lot of things, or whether it's a non-noticable but practical update (for instance, the full blocks with half door texture aren't actually cosmetic improvements themselves, but they allow for more possible designs for things), or a perfect substitute for existing blocks (i.e. many people will still prefer to use the old block, so you aren't able to make a hard division between "old" and "new" on the basis of that block alone). So please just keep that in mind when making new block suggestions.