The beach area with dunes and vegetation is from south of WH Whaling, up to the big river delta at Oldcastle nearly finished.
Driftwood, nets and other will be added.
The large river delta in the south, formed over thousands of years, offers natural protection against attackers.
From WH south via Oldcastle starts the Eastern Trade Route into North.
After the delta, the castle sits on a large promontory surrounded by wadden beaches and windswept small dunes.To the east, up the headland, a long beach with dunes will adorn the coast. A small forest offers more protection from the sea. After that, large fields line the shoreline leading to the smaller river delta to the east.
In the middle of the headland, next to Briarwatch, a small part of Whiteharbour will be made new and adjusted. Mods know.
It will lead into a small wet swamp area.
Northeast of it is a lake fed by small rivers and leading into the small river delta to the sea.
The rocky WH terrain with the birch forest will slowly fade out towards the lake.
- Oldcastle Traveler Septry next to Whiteharbour - build by Luk /warp ocsept
- Driftwood Village in the Dunes south of Whiteharbour - build by tobinator
- Abandoned Mill - build by tobinator
- New Gravebarrow - build by Deiniol
- Kings Gravebarrow WIP
- 2 Big "Mansions" where supporting Familys of the Lockes live. WIP
- 1 Traveller Inn / Meadhall - WIP by KD/Aeks
- small Hamlet around the wet swamplands in a new invented Style WIP
- big Farmstead between Oldcastle and the first hamlet WIP
- first hamlet /warp ocham1
Castle Structure is finished, all buildings are placed and a lot of the inner space is finished. All Houses with a GREEN Block are DONE with interieur/exterieur.
Smaller details will be added.
The Gradient and Towers are the last big Points to do.
The 4 Houses in the first Bailey will get ajusted and made less townish.
- MINI Brewery Complex next to ocham1
- open Plots in /warp ocham1
My Point of view:
I'm happy with the progress and will now focus on completing the area. I tried to make the country varied and interesting.
A huge thank you to our valued editor Kor_Bro who supports me a lot with the terrain and makes a lot of things possible.
Thanks to my mods, Aeksio and Emote who always give me good advice.
Thanks also to all the builders who have helped so far.
I m happy about all questions and ideas. Feel free to message me on Discord - DieWursttheke#2718
greetings from the Onionknight