The file has been officially updated as of Late March – Early April!
Please note, I update this document quartley. (Around the beginning of the Midwest's school breaks) so it might not always be perfectly up to date.
If you see a mistake, an issue, or are concerned the document is far too outdated please contact me on the forums, in messages or even through email as things slip my radar. I also have a private document as a backup that I make all the changes to before updating the one you see here.
Lemonbear has also opted to offer assistance. I am happy to have a moderator on the team so in case I'm unavailable she is here too! However, she did not create the document and make modifications to it, so she might not know every decision I, and at one point Wazgamer ,made. That's not to discourage you from asking her as I'm sure she will try her best to help, just a thing to remember

In other news:
I fixed the equation!
Instead of supplying each
IP project with half-points, we supply them with full points in order to account for the total points accrued.
Just incase for understanding my mistake:
We have three points for a region (Lets look at beyond the wall)
- 12 for Incomplete
- 6 For IP
- 2 for Complete
The old old document before I took it over had the math as so:
2 Complete / (12 incomplete + 6 IP + 2 Complete [= Total]) = 10% done
When I switched to allowing the document to consider the half points for
IP I simply gave the
IP projects half points. These half-points affected the total.
2 Complete / ( 12 incomplete + 3 IP + 6 Complete [=Total] = 12%
This is off because I was changing the denominator/total thinking I was only changing the numerator, not fully thinking it through that the document does not know the
In Progress point was supposed to count as a
6 towards the total.
The new equation looks as such
Complete + (IP/2)/( Incomplete + IP + Complete) = % done.
So Beyond the wall's looks as such
The new percentage of Completion has jumped 3% we are now 61% done according to the document — Not including potential redos.
Very simple math but I just didn't see it through. Thanks for your patience with this mistake.