Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear


I'm a big fan of this! My biggest note is that you should readjust the proportions of the crops so that there's even more wheat. Maybe add the top right section to the wheat area and put the other 5 crops in the remaining area to the bottom right?
Hi Lem! Thanks for the quick feedback. I've expanded the wheat fields - atm it's just harvested, but I can change it if you want a full field of grown plants.



Staff member
Hi Lem! Thanks for the quick feedback. I've expanded the wheat fields - atm it's just harvested, but I can change it if you want a full field of grown plants.

View attachment 18958
I approve! I left some melons around with feedback, but it's all stuff that I think can be taken care of after the build is in-game.

Now you just need another mod's approval!
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Hi everyone! I finished the septry of Sarsfield (/warp sfseptry). I really hope you like it.


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Staff member
Small update: with Aferys's septry done and Vis's castle underway, the main River Road valley is starting to near completion! I'm currently updating timber and plaster patterns to include the new blocks, and the "final" stages will involve terra clean up, forests, and the ruining of Tarbeck Hall!

However, there's still a lot left to be done in Hornvale. Just a reminder that orange plots are open for building unless there's a tag saying "special" or "ask to build" (or they're a bridge), and there are a number of open house/building plots throughout the valley (but mostly behind the castle on the eastern side of the lake). I'd also greatly appreciate someone taking one or two of the WIP storage buildings in the vineyard!

Here are the open minis in Hornvale:

/warp hvlogging - A logging camp with accompanying lumber mill. They practice selective logging and supply lumber throughout Hornvale lands. The camp should have permanent (or at least long term) structures/buildings rather than tents.

/warp hvfarm2 - A flax farm with a nearby farming hamlet. You have the freedom to plan that entire side of the river bend if you want. Good for builders looking for experience with plotting and builder feedback!

/warp hvmine - A gold mine.

/warp hvquarry - A limestone quarry. Include work buildings.