Hi there,
I am applying for the Hornvale quarry mini. I have attached a rough layout of the mini, as well as a few screenshots of the test. Lem and I have discussed in-game the general idea for the quarry and I'd like to thank her for the advice. The test in full can be found at /warp cdogz.
The quarry will cut into the lower side of the hill. The hill itself is quite steep, so the red outline of the quarry above can't cut too far into the mountain without the quarry having to get too big. The work area will have a few buildings for the quarry. A small stable for donkeys, storage for tools, as well as places for the quarry workers and the stonecutter building where the large blocks of stone from the quarry are tended to.
This is a small example of the quarry itself.
A birds eye view of the test, the red wool denotes the three levels of the quarry, the yellow wool is for cranes and the purple is a rough outline of the quarry's buildings.
A front view of the quarry.
Buildings tests.
Cranes tests.
Stonecutters interior and exterior test.
This is my first mini so I hope it's okay! Would really love any feedback