Hey yall
With the 1.12.2 update to the server, there will inevitably be some bugs or issues we missed in testing. Please report them here
Absence of World Edit selection boxes is not a bug - these can be enabled by toggling on the WorldEditCUI mod in the launcher and restarting the game

With the 1.12.2 update to the server, there will inevitably be some bugs or issues we missed in testing. Please report them here
Bug | Fixed? | Severity | Notes |
Beds are all showing vanilla halfbeds | Yes | Medium | Temp fix for now |
Spawn eggs work | Yes | High | |
Builders can't change gamemode | Yes | Low | |
Farmland ID:60 breaks when jumped on | Yes | Medium | |
/pweather clear does not stop rain when it is already raining. | Low | ||
chat colors no longer work | Yes | Low | UChat permission |
/ignore isn't working | Yes | Low | Use /chat ignore <player> instead |
Custom titles don't seem to be appearing, though the data is all still there | Yes | Low | UChat config |
Some fences dont connect to each other | Yes | Low | |
/msg and /tp don't work with nicknames anymore, just with the IGN; | Yes | Low | |
We can't have /msg by clicking the name of a player in the chat anymore. | Yes | Low | |
Guests cant use /help | Yes | Low | |
glass panes are opaque (no transparency) | Yes | Low | |
Ladders break when the block behind them breaks | Yes | Medium | |
WorldEdit brush (inc. schem brush) right click range is very short | Low | Left click works but can't be held down | |
Placing a chest auto creates a GriefPrevention plot, stopping others from adding/breaking blocks in the area | Yes | Medium | |
Mods need dynmap/dmarker perms | Yes | Low | |
Completely blocking spawn egg use disables spawning them with dispensers, limiting options for PvE minigames. | V. Low |
Absence of World Edit selection boxes is not a bug - these can be enabled by toggling on the WorldEditCUI mod in the launcher and restarting the game

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