1.12.2 Bug Report Thread


Has anyone mentioned the JourneyMap issue yet?

I installed journeymap-1.12.2-5.7.1.jar, and it loads ok, but then mapping doesn't happen. One time it did, not sure why, but often I just get an empty grey map.


Has anyone mentioned the JourneyMap issue yet?

I installed journeymap-1.12.2-5.7.1.jar, and it loads ok, but then mapping doesn't happen. One time it did, not sure why, but often I just get an empty grey map.
We've tried to troubleshoot this issue before deployment but couldn't solve it, which is why we offer an alternative map service in the mod pack/launcher now. I'd be interested in that one incident when it did map something for you. If that happens again, please save the launcher's console output and journeymap's log file and share it with me via a PM.
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I'm pretty sure I saw mapping working once, but it could have just been showing already cached data.

JourneyMap stores it's map data in "instances\WesterosCraft-1.12.2\journeymap\data\mp". Under that folder there is a "Command~Line" folder and sometimes a "WesterosCraft" folder.
In the past, I have noticed that JourneyMap uses one of the two depending on how Minecraft was launched.
If it was started directly from the WesterosCraft launcher, then the ""Command~Line"" folder is used. I can't remember what condition causes it to use the other one.

Under those folders are 4 folders named "DIM0", "DIM2", "DIM3" and "DIM4". They appear to be for each world (e.g. Westeros, test, WesterosOld). DIM2 seems to be the main world, most of the tiles are stored in there.

Since I copied that data over from the old 1.11 instance, JourneyMap is capable of displaying the map. But only when it looks in the right folder. So I need to figure out how it decides which one to use.

As for the actual mapping process, the log is showing a lot of NullPointerExceptions so I guess it's either a bug in JourneyMap or something is configured wrong.


JourneyMap looking in the wrong folders is exactly my suspicion, too, but I have not managed to get it to display previously cached data. I need to look into it again when I get the time.


Royal Messenger
A very low issue you guys already know about is the clouds being super low. I only decided to report it here because several guests today asked how to fix it or turn it off which is easy just go to video settings > Details.


I see this in the JourneyMap log:
[18:57:00] [Client thread/INFO] [JourneymapClient] Mapping started in <blah>\instances\WesterosCraft-1.12.2\journeymap\data\mp\Command~Line\DIM2. Memory: 4083MB total, 3163MB free

No indication of any errors. There are some NullPointerExceptions later on, but a bit of googling suggests that it is due to the world shutting down and is not really a problem.

I ran it again and noticed some more log entries:
[19:16:50] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ImageHolder] Wrote to disk: <blah>\instances\WesterosCraft-1.12.2\journeymap\data\mp\Command~Line\DIM2\day\-1,-1.png
[19:16:50] [Client thread/DEBUG] [RegionImageCache$2] Wrote to disk before removal from cache: RegionImageSet{imageHolders=[2|day|_=ImageHolder{mapType=2|day|_, textureId=227, dirty=false, imagePath=<blah>\instances\WesterosCraft-1.12.2\journeymap\data\mp\Command~Line\DIM2\day\-1,-1.png}]}
Despite it saying it wrote to disk, the map still didn't show up on screen.

I'd really like to fix JourneyMap, as it's the only client side map that I like. VoxelMap is ok, but it doesn't have quite as many features and just doesn't feel as nice to use.
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Iwan, I remembered what I did to get mapping working. I switched between worlds, e.g. do /warp map to go to test world then go /back.

Here is a full debug log.


Staff member
Spawn eggs still don't work, but if right-clicking with them in the mob they spawn, they will still spawn their baby version


I made a couple of schemsets before the port that don't seem to exist, namely:



You have to go near a block to use WE brushes. You cant place trees and spheres from distance. I dont know if this a universal thing but Kul and I both have this issue. Before the update it worked perfectly fine.
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The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
/b snow in VoxelSniper doesn’t work as intended. I've taken two images to show how it worked in 1.11.2 (the intended functionality), and how it works now. In both images, imagine me right-clicking above the white wool block repeatedly (using gunpowder, though the same problem occurs with arrow).





I'd consider this an issue of medium importance, since it interferes with a number of aspects of terraforming (beaches, rivers, etc.)
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hello, I think I just found a bug, but idk if it's very important.
when you wanna interact with a Wolf while you're holding a bucket (I mean when you're trying to touch the dog), the bucket can be placed.
the server only "informs" you that you can't interact with the dog, but it seems to miss out the bucket.
after asking to other players, they don't see this bug.

that's all, if I'm not clear, feel free to ask for more details or explanations


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Royal Messenger
/chat ignore player doesn't seem to work now. I've tried for a while and cant get it to work no matter the combination and of course /ignore user still doesn't work.
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Staff member
DMs result in text bubbles being shown above players.

Can confirm that the speech bubbles also show private messages and even the messages written in Admin channel.
It's pretty critical imo. Its caused by a client side mod though, DynamicSurroundings iirc
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