Hi everyone,
I ask that you please hold back on new block suggestions for the time being. I try to follow a "plan -> build -> test -> deploy" cycle with the resource pack stuff. We're currently on the testing phase, and I ask that we focus on feedback on the newly added textures so we can get this deployed sooner rather than later (I've been meaning to organize the way that block requests are made too, but keep putting it off). For the next update I plan to focus mostly on the additions we need for Sunspear/Dorne, but should have room for some of the minor additions that were mentioned.
Looks like the new ore textures aren't in the change log, people should look at those too if they get a chance
That's weird; could have sworn I added that to the changelog. Looks like I also forgot to add Tham's volcanic rock texture that I added as another terrainset.
So I travelled to Lannisport on the test server and now there is something making me crash there.
I also crashed on the test server recently (not at Lannisport, forgot where). Have you tried checking the crashlog? Has anyone else had problems with this?
Could the colors of the Redwyne banner be toned down a tad, they're bordering on technicolor. And also the material of the banner "holder" turned into black iron like the other banners as its currently wood.
Once Cash sends me the updated version I can change this.
The new ore blocks are in but they dont CTM to nearby terrain blocks
Right, the overlay CTM for the ores and terrainsets will be coming soon, and will cause them to blend with the terrainsets and each other. Sorry, forgot to mention that.
My one thought on the new double height wood framed windows (which are a game-changer!!) are they meant to have transparent areas in the corners?
Yeah, that was intentional. I mainly just wanted it to seem different from the ornate stone arch window slits and more "timber-like". I can fill in the corners with the respective wood textures if you all want, though.
What is the intended use for the Terrainset alts? Are they meant to be used in conjunction with the originals, or completely separately? If they are meant to be used in conjunction with, I think that the stormlands alt contrasts too much with the normal stormlands terrainset.
We've been trying to abstract away from intended uses of the terrainsets a bit with the recent updates, apart from having certain sets used as the "dominant geology" in each region. All of them need better names at this point, but I haven't decided on anything yet. In general though, the intended use of the alts is to allow for subtle striations. The stormlands alt is included to allow for transitions with some of the other terrainsets, such as in
Tham's test here.
Also, could change the name of Clay to be 'Clay Red Plaster', or change the colour of the item in the inventory to red? I was about to comment that there was no Red Plaster block that matched the plaster texture of the Timber Northern Red Frame after I had looked through the entire creative inv twice and found nothing, before I remembered that clay is actually red when placed. Yes, I know I'm nitpicking and complaining here, but it shouldn't be too hard to change, right?
Yeah, that should be pretty easy. I also had trouble finding it earlier