Thamus' Texture Treasure Trove


Another small update:

- I added a prototype for an oars block -> It's on the sticky piston for now
- I'm still including my split shutters from above but I'm not really serious about them. They are a prototype for sure -> Oak Fence Gate




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Donkey Lord
Staff member
Kinda reminds me of the Choomah's in the Big Lez Show...

It is frightening, but would it be possible to make it look more like a surreal aged, lined face rather than a bearded man? More like the reference image provided with more shadows and very deep wrinkles


Kinda reminds me of the Choomah's in the Big Lez Show...

It is frightening, but would it be possible to make it look more like a surreal aged, lined face rather than a bearded man? More like the reference image provided with more shadows and very deep wrinkles
Yeah, I totally agree! My texture was just a quick sketch since CashBanks wanted to work on that part of the block, I'll just work on the modeling and implementation.
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Does this include the book as well? We got book stands in libraries around Westeros
It doesn't currently because it was easier for me to iterate on paper/ scroll designs which all draw from a single texture tile. For feature parity with the current block there should be a 1 in 7 chance for a book to appear but I think it makes more sense to split these into two bocks down the line: A block that gives you a few scrolls and loose sheets of paper, and a bock that gives you various types of books (open, closed, stacks, etc).

What do you think?


I had to test this out, could be a replacement for the fence gate when it's placed orthogonally to a wall underneath a balcony or overhang. Right now it matches the width of the timbers in the timber frame block.



In a previous iteration, they were wider. I think I preferred that because it looked much more solid.

There could be two versions for each wood color: the one with a diagonal brace I made above, and one without it (just the horizontal beams). The one without a brace would account for the opened fence gate block placed parallel to a wall.


I'm wondering if it would be better to make these beams have a solid top so we could also use them as shelves (as we sometimes use open gates on the server) and actually put stuff on top of them. Would it conflict with their use supporting overhangs?
A thin top like a carpet could work well, and shouldn't be an issue for the overhang use


I'm wondering if it would be better to make these beams have a solid top so we could also use them as shelves (as we sometimes use open gates on the server) and actually put stuff on top of them. Would it conflict with their use supporting overhangs?
Thanks for pointing to that use too, I totally forgot that was a thing. I was always put off a little by how the shelves are essentially huge in scale. They stick out 1 meter (1 block) which is large if you think about it relative to the average size of a house. I think I'd rather add dedicated shelves that don't protrude one full block but rather 3/4 or maybe only 1/2 of a block. One could consider adding dedicated shelves to contain really common medieval items that work in any context: A bunch of small jars, plates, etc. Somebody posted a link to a reconstructed realistic medieval house once (somewhere in Britain). Could somebody help me dig that up for reference?

Another point that could speak for a dedicated shelf block is the amount of supporting a shelf needs. Shelf-supports would be like small 15-30 odd centimeter wooden pegs and not the size of ceiling beams.

timber frames so people can chose whatever ceiling they want if they add these as beams in the future
This beam block could actually be an ideal candidate for a type of block model that can be extended so the beams you see protruding on the outside of the house also line up with the ceiling beams inside. And if I added a wooden carpet type "cover" on top of them you couldn't choose what kind of ceiling you'd want inside. It would be less modular that way.
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Thanks for pointing to that use too, I totally forgot that was a thing. I was always put off a little by how the shelves are essentially huge in scale. They stick out 1 meter (1 block) which is large if you think about it relative to the average size of a house. I think I'd rather add dedicated shelves that don't protrude one full block but rather 3/4 or maybe only 1/2 of a block.
Technically, it's true that our shelves are too big/large, but it's to the scale of our baskets and all other blocks we can put on them. Our world is set on a 1m scale so it's difficult to represent it differently. I'm afraid making shelves half-blocks would make it super hard to work with our other blocks, and would risk outdate many ints.

One could consider adding dedicated shelves to contain really common medieval items that work in any context: A bunch of small jars, plates, etc. Somebody posted a link to a reconstructed realistic medieval house once (somewhere in Britain). Could somebody help me dig that up for reference?
Especially if we consider adding that sort of things.
Don't get me wrong, I theoretically love the idea. But in all this frenzy of changing textures/adding new blocks, I think we need to be careful to not go too far down the hole of recreating completely our texture pack, risking outdating our whole map.


Knight of Fairmarket
I don't think Thamus intends to make shelves so you can put blocks on them, he intends to make shelves which already has stuff on it. That way, shelves would be proportionate to the room compared to the other blocks and not be as thick and large as the table (or in some cases thicker, depending on the shelf and table).

Which parts of the map would the introduction of dedicated shelves outdate anyway? Would it be the parts of the map that use stairs and slabs for shelves, carpets, or fence gates? ... or all of them? Do these different forms of shelves not outdate eachother, or at least makes the differences between projects larger than they need to be? Does the wide range of different types of shelves on the server not indicate the desire for a dedicated block for it? It's the same for the (amazing) block Thamus actually showed here; there is an even wider range of different styles to represent the overhangs on our server, which all portray the same thing as far as I am aware.

This applies to a lot of block suggestions that are brushed aside with "we need to be careful not to outdate the rest of the map". The rest of the map would look exactly the same after the introduction of a new block, newer projects would only look even better. Besides, we don't even need new blocks to outdate our projects. Locations which were considered amazing 5 years ago are now no longer regarded as such, because our style changes. In the time I've been working on Fairmarket I had to update the style twice to keep up with the current standard.

Maybe recreating the texture pack, or at least taking a long and proper look into what we want to portray and what types of blocks we would need for that, is exactly what we should do in order to stop outdating our map on a yearly basis.


I wholeheartedly agree with EStoop. But I don't want to devolve into that kind of discussion here. This place is for me to post nice things and for you to appreciate them and even try them out if you want. It's a place to showcase what we COULD do, not what we should or shouldn't do. Let's have a proper policy discussion somewhere else.
I think both points are valid. But a better case can be made for the addition of a dedicated shelf design if it was able to be replaced using scripts? Something along the lines of an adjency command for the combo of gates below and wood carpets on top? Afaik this new texture would only be replacing that type of structure since most cases of other shelves like the slabs one are paired with half door blocks for support creating a bigger furniture piece.

edit: saw tham’s comment after posting the reply sorry for dragging the convo on ahahah


Just my two cents:


For those of you checking this out: I've been a bad boy. I deliberately upped the resolution on the coins to be able to give them some texture. This goes against a fundamental rule of modeling. I'll accept your punishment.


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The Dark Lord Sauron
The coins are nice, but the bags may be an issue since we not so recently changed then from all gold coins to a mix for the purpose of making sure they can be used from lower class at markets to upper class treasuries.

Adding these really large bags of money may negate that affect since I doubt a vegetable vendor in a rural area would lug around a sack of coins for their vegetables.