I threw in some prototype concepts I had for mono and vivid sandstone, lp light brick and arbor cobbles.
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Looks good so far!
I see wasted potential as we're running out of block IDs and thus are doing something far worse: Overloading other blocks in meaning, which is really what I thought we seek to eradicate.I don’t think it’s very good practice to have entirely different crops sharing meta of the same ID. I thought we ditched that kind of thing a while ago. Also, the crops require tilled soil underneath, so it’d be unstable.
As for different crops sharing meta of the same ID. We're doing exactly that with any other block, and as long as they are thematically the same it's fine.
These new crops are not more or less unstable than the crops that cover hectares of land on our server already.
There is a high demand for new blocks, and a primary argument against adding them is the fixed block ID limit.
I will explore those in the ThamPack, and you guys can take time to make up your minds about them.
By re texturing each growth cycle of the beetroot into the crops above, im not too concerned either about Mojang revamping crop growth cycles since the game is currently about to release 1.16 and haven't changed a thing in 5 update cycles and I'm fairly confident it'll stay that way.
On the point of unstable crops, we already place crops that require farmland on non-farmland blocks such as at Stoney Sept and Wyl to produce different soil mediums based on the climate (muddy farmland in Stoney Sept and dry farmland in Wyl). Its not as unstable as you would think since it operates on the same principle that we use to place lit candles on top of chain blocks to make candlestands.
I think it could be done very well, and would be a welcome addition to the server without having to add a new block.
Really? I don't remember seeing that. Do the blocks break if you place a block adjacent to them?