I still have 2 minis open for application;
forest woodcarving hermit (near
Norreyham3) who lives near a stand of 3 weirwoods, carving the trees around them. The old man is considered to be in communication with the old gods and so the people of the nearby hamlet bring him food, for he spends his days carving or murmuring to the trees. Occasionally he is found to have butchered game and strewn the entrails in unusual patterns. The clearing in which the weirwoods stand is littered with a mixture of stone statues and wooden statues and objects he has carved.
sheepfold across the gully from
norreyham2 that is built around a small longhouse and adjacent buildings. The sheep are small, about the size of dogs (Northern European Short-tailed sheep) and have 2 layers of wool. the outer layer is darker, weatherproof and is shed periodically. It is collected to make outergarments while the inner layer is insulating, whiter, fine, and very well used in inner layers. The sheep are very valuable and so are kept within the relatively low-ceilinged longhouse (Strong/Hurstvic insp), at one of the ends, while the people sleep nearer the fire. the benches are covered with furs and used as bedding.
What there needs to be:
-storage for fleeces yet to be spun
-whorl and spindle and/or spinning wheel
-carding paddles for making felt
-loom. not too many as a lot of wool is taken to Norreyvillage1 and the looms there
-flora similar to that on the opposite bank. a lot may have been eaten by sheep because they are bastards with a taste for flowers

-areas where the snow has been cleared to expose grass. look at Antony's hamlet north of the Godswood at Norrey for examples.
-A single kettle for treating wool which is not in use at the moment because the inner layers have not been shorn recently, its too cold
However, rooing (removing the outer, courser layer) has taken place more recently and so there is some of the wool left around. the sheep are being kept inside and only let out in clear weather while they are regrowing the outer layer.
some images of the sheep and their comparative size