I was also under the full impression that Cash had replotted a good bit of the south side of town. And you should know very well mods are people and can be a little biased or subjective so don't try to make it seem like the Maester Rank is infallible.
Also, Emily Post once wrote on the subject of being more rude by pointing out another's rudeness, though not sure if that book was ever published in Australian Polite Society.
Thank the Old Gods and the New you have forgiven my insulence, almighty moderator ... Mate, take a couple of steps down from your high horse. You make it sound as if you and other moderators should be free of scrutiny. "I will forgive it", seriously? You're kidding right? Is this a threat? Will the next time I dare to disagree with you have repercussions?Now having addressed that, let me address the suggestion you’ve made. I find it frankly rude and a little ill-considered to judge a mod's ability to be objective. However, I will forgive it, given that you may not be aware of the context and level of Cash's involvement until now (having read my above reply). Hopefully it brings some clarity to your conception of what occured/is occurring.
Mods participate all the time in projects. Some they're post approving mods of, some they aren't. Where I do believe it is inappropriate is when the project lead post-approves their own project (e.g. like if I post-approved SS as a mod). But this was not the case for Cash or for Ark. Both had a good deal of involvement, but it was doing what mods are here to do - help out.
Thank the Old Gods and the New you have forgiven my insulence, almighty moderator ... Mate, take a couple of steps down from your high horse. You make it sound as if you and other moderators should be free of scrutiny. "I will forgive it", seriously? You're kidding right? Is this a threat? Will the next time I dare to disagree with you have repercussions?
There is nothing rude in pointing out someone who has been more closely involved in a project than usual is about to judge the quality of the content he himself created, as you yourself in your everlasting wisdom admit would be inappropriate.
I never claimed you are not the project lead, nor have I claimed Cash is the project lead. I merely pointed out Cash has had a fairly large role, larger than would be considered regular, in the management of Stony Sept, be it plotting, maintaining builder influx or approving houses. It’s not to me to judge the validity of my claim.I am the project lead. I very obviously have a conflict of interest in approving this project. No mod has ever approved their own project (except maybe as the odd cheeky meme). Cash is not the lead for this project, neither is Ark.
We are not talking about a house or two, which I’m sure you haven’t failed to comprehend.To suggest otherwise would imply that were I to build a house or two at a project that I could not post-approve it.
This question has not come up before because I assumed it was still Enah/Arkilstorm and Wazgamer who were the approving mods of the project. Cash’s involvement in the project actually made me assume he joined the project in the form of an unofficial co-op. Had I known he was actually on the books of being an approving moderator, I would have mentioned it before. However I had no way of knowing, since there has never been a mention of this.This is not only silly, it's unrealistic. Cash helped out, and I thank him for it. But his help was not to such an extent that it warrants questioning his ability to be objective. This question has not, in my memory, come up before.
I have provided feedback on this project several times since you posted the project app, if that is what you mean by “constant bickering and nitpicking”. I have also advocated against your request to redo Stoney Sept. I still stand by my feedback, as well as the reason I gave against a redo.As such, my response above was in reaction to what I have perceived as constant bickering and nitpicking of this project by certain (consistently the same) parties. These same parties now put a foot in the door without much justification, so my first instinct was the parties were trying to slow the project for no other reason than to continue nitpicking. My so-called high horse upon which I sit mine mighty buttox was not actually a high horse, but me trying to present that I was genuinely giving you the benefit of the doubt - as, on all appearances, you seem to have a dislike for the project. These thoughts have not been unique to me, and have been shared by others on the server and in private chats.
it's rude and ill-considered to judge anbody's ability to be objective. I don't believe it exclusive to judging mods.
The irony is not lost on me.As such, my response above was in reaction to what I have perceived as constant bickering and nitpicking of this project by certain (consistently the same) parties. These same parties now put a foot in the door without much justification, so my first instinct was the parties were trying to slow the project for no other reason than to continue nitpicking. My so-called high horse upon which I sit mine mighty buttox was not actually a high horse, but me trying to present that I was genuinely giving you the benefit of the doubt - as, on all appearances, you seem to have a dislike for the project. These thoughts have not been unique to me, and have been shared by others on the server and in private chats.
This is not what was communicated at the start of the project, since this exact point has been discussed the very same day the project was approved. To remind you:6. The expectation I had was that a warp or two would be placed in the lands allowing them to be filled. I still recommend this as it is a good chunk of land - I'd prefer a warp placed and proper attention be given to the area, rather than the odd spot of a bush or woodland. I'd recommend placing one of the remaining F&B knightly houses or the like in the area. Also wouldn't be too bad if the area was open for an immersion build (again, more about ensuring the effort is put in rather than peppering small additions by me).
I will get onto the above when I can, though the more contested points (the second 4 and 6) may need further consideration first.
What will happen to the lands east of Treepenny wood? Is it part of Stoney Sept, and if not, who will do that land? Same goes for the lands west and north of Stoney Sept, around Hollow Hill (will that be part of Hollow Hill or would that be just the caves?) and between the riverlands sept and Acorn Hall. The projects around it are all finished, and I don't think leaving it bare is an option.
8. North. I do not think that the area between Acorn Hall and the Sept needs touching particurly. Maybe some fields for septons, but not much more. Patches of land unblemished by human hands give a wider immersion to our world. To consistently have areas (especially beyond the Reach, considered to be more densely agricultural) inhabited by humans would break the medieval immersion. I realise at our scale logically we would fill everything, as things seem smaller than they might be. However in medieval times there was uninterrupted spots of wilderness between settlements.
East. Some of the above reasoning stands, however my original genuine thinking was that it was a part of the Crones Mill project. If I reach that area towards the end of my main set of lands, I may see to editing that area, perhaps incorporating Crones Mill with mod permission. I don't want to make unnecessary land grabs however, only to bog down an already expansive and large project. i.e. Not biting off more than I can chew (which some have suggested is already the case - I disagree, but don't want to push that point).
Hollow Hill. It is only now I am realizing this was wiped. I had assumed it still stood, but its clearly been wiped away in a previous terraform. As far as I am aware Hollow Hill was and continues to be a solo project, and I suggest it is up to the project lead who takes those lands under their wing to incorporate them respectively. Again, I don't want to overreach. Were I to occupy all empty space surrounding Stoney Sept, the town would have lands from Hollow Hill to the God's Eye. As much as I love that idea, the practicality of it is unrealistic. I may propose a 'lands' plan for lands beyond those approved later in the project, but that will itself require further approval and is not necesarry at the present time for the reasons above.
I didn't mean it as a "fill this area with farms and whatnot" but more as a "consider that this area needs to be taken care of". I agree we need tracts of emptyness, but the wilderness still needs to be created; the bare terraform of the map simply isn't enough to make it come alive.
I'll look into it later in the project. I likely will want to expand later anyway if I come across any particularly inspirational pics or ideas, likely opening the areas as subprojects.
I interpreted "I'll look into it later" as something along the lines of "I will make a decision on how this area is going to be handled later" and kind of expected it to be different than "it's someone else's problem" as you stated in earlier discourse. Being intentionally vague is something I noticed, however I did not expect it to mean you simply discard the feedback. I'll keep this in mind.As stated, in the quotes above, I said I'd look into it later. There's a lot of likelys, maybes, ifs and buts - I very purposefully made no promises because I didn't know how 'over' the project I'd be at a later date and left it deliberately ambiguous. I can dot some stuff around the hanging tree area - some bushes and maybe a grove or two, perhaps even a hunting cabin - but not anything more.
Also, circumstances change. We did not have an excess of unplaced warps at the time. I've not even necesarrily changed my opinion on the matter (re lands) - I made it fairly clear I wasn't sure and made no such promise from what I recall. If there has been any change in my opinion, it is that it would be better suited to put a knightly house there. Again, still happy to dot it with some stuff, but I will only be dotting the area around/near the tree.
Plans change Stoop to accommodate the desires of the builder and the server, within reason. This is especially the case with towns as you are more than familiar with. I appreciate the reminder![]()
1. Sand banks all the way up into the hills should really be just dirt/gravel or a pebble mix, and then transition into sand at the main river - Not sure sand would possibly form in those narrow streams.
It should be straightforward enough to replace the sand with a /br sphere grass,dirt and /mask 2258
3. More grass/ reeds along the river front - It looks very uniform and a bit unnatural.
Example of something you could try at Bitterbridge
5. The roads through the sprawl could be roughed up a bit as well, some mud tracks would add some more variation to them, and would be easy enough to add with /gmask 3,13 and plotting out their path with /sel convex then //curve 13,2034
6. Consider the surrounding lands, as far as the ends of the streams, feeding into the main river. There isn’t much at all beside the hanging tree to the west, and the land looks unfinished. I know we agreed to the extent of the lands, but the landscape ends very abruptly, with no foliage along the river banks, no bushes, trees, no signs of civilisation which seems a little alien. Perhaps not full settlements, but I’d expect to find some small amount of woodland, trees, maybe some immersion builds in the form of a hunters camp, a toll station, or watchtower; perhaps open grazing plains for sheep? This shouldn’t require a lot of work, but will bring the SS lands to a nice conclusion.
There are still some conditions for post-approval that seem to be ignored, which are:
The sand remains unchanged at the time of posting this comment.
There is no reed in sight at the riverfront at the time of posting this comment.
Mud is still scarce on the roads around Stoney Sept.
The areas mentioned have not been addressed at all.
In addition, the wiki article has also not been updated.
1. Sand has been changed, that's not for the whole river its further up. Have a look at where the streams are.
View attachment 2228
I've circled them for your convienience. I'll note they had been changed at the time of your comment and for a solid two months beforehand too.
2. Reeds aren't done.
3. I'd rather not add anymore mud.
4. Being worked on.
5. Wiki article is being worked on though I'm slow due to uni essays taking up most of my writing time haha.