Approved Project Application: Darkdell


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Heya, I thought that now might be a good time for a brief update.

All plots at Vyrvillage are complete! All that remains are detailing and the sept on the crown of the hill.
In the valley hamlet there are a few plots open now too and a number of small rural crofts will open as terrain is slowly completed.
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Donkey Lord
Staff member
Small quarry mini near vyrvillage available! They're pretty low tech so won't have much in the way of machinery. One of the main things they produce is quicklime and powder for the white/limewash on many houses throughout the region. So have a quicklime kiln in the set up. Around the site there are a few pointers from Irongiant and myself about what could and should go where but I'd love to hear more ideas about it.


West of vyrvillage there are two farmsteads. The one closer to the road is open for testing. Its a self-sufficient farmstead in a forest clearing. They have their own herd of goats or sheep and spin their own wool, make brilliantly crafted bows from the nearby yew grove and have small fields, veggie patch and herbarium in and around the clearing. I've plotted out the main farmhouse and an attendant building (could be an older sons farmhouse, could be a barn etc) plus there are more directions at the site.

There are open farmsteads scattered around the northern 'greened' area of the project. Be sure to check them out. For many you've got opportunity to expand a little into the space around to build campfires, hives, poles for tying horses up etc.

This is last call on the village sept. Please apply soon if you're interested!
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Όφου Παναγιά μου...

Ant here!
Me and Chewy would like to apply for that small cave Sept in Vyrvillage.

Our idea behind our test, is that the sept itself predates the actuall village, and that it was an ancient hermetic convent, that was built around the cave in which it was said that an aparition of the Mother was seen. It is now intergrated into the village and more or less ruined.

Also, here's the pics:

Tests can be found in /warp Antony.


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Loving the pics and tests. I'll paste them in when I have a chance tonight or tomorrow morning. It gladdens my heart to see some posting on this thread other than from myself, Iron and ContraBlonde.

Also I'll be opening a small shieling + walled beehive mini in the hills between darkdell and cockshaw soon so keep you're eyes peeled for that!


The walled beehives and shielings mini is open! There is a little note block tower within the red hexagon outlined below that has a little more detail on it.
The beehives are encircled by drystone walls to protect from wildlife, bears, but also enterprising poachers and rooting pigs. I'd like for something similar to the traditional walled beehives of Asturias and other areas of Spain, but if there are other fun ways of making some interesting hives in an otherwise 'half-wild' area between settlements, you're welcome to suggest them.
Shielings can be anything from a lean-to to a full cottage, they just need to fit the landscape and local materials. there could be just one of them, or a handful. Also any terrain that is green is finished, and red is WIP. If you want to put things on the eastern side of the hill, ask me first about what you'd need and I can change the terrain accordingly.

Cheers, Aeks


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I would like to apply for the Quarry mini. Under Aeks's suggestion, I'm showing my current wip test so I could hopefully finish it on location. I have a wip test on my plot that should give a good idea of where it is headed. Using WE and voxel has been a lot of fun.

screens of the test:
Still to do:

Lime kilns
Stone cutting area
Still figuring out the pebbles
Living area/tents for quarry workers
Various details to show a functioning quarry
and of course, the pallet is still wip.

As always I would appreciate feedback and suggestions in-game or in forums.
Thanks a lot!


Donkey Lord
Staff member
I suggested the WIP application and in situ completion as it'd help me flesh out the terrain and structures nearby so I can have Stage 1 of the project complete.
I give this my project lead approval but I need one approving mod


I would like to apply for the Quarry mini. Under Aeks's suggestion, I'm showing my current wip test so I could hopefully finish it on location. I have a wip test on my plot that should give a good idea of where it is headed. Using WE and voxel has been a lot of fun.

screens of the test:
Still to do:

Lime kilns
Stone cutting area
Still figuring out the pebbles
Living area/tents for quarry workers
Various details to show a functioning quarry
and of course, the pallet is still wip.

As always I would appreciate feedback and suggestions in-game or in forums.
Thanks a lot!
Just checked in game, approved by me!
And agreed on the WIP pasting so that you can work around it for the terra


I'm applying for the bowyer's homestead.

Essentially, one half of the homestead is devoted to the family's subsistence farming. The other half is devoted to their other projects, including bow-making and -testing, skinning, cheesemaking, etc. Please view at /warp augurex (go up a ways). TY


  • 2023-05-17_18.22.08.png
    1 MB · Views: 31


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Just a reminder that the plots of the above mini are still open and waiting to be built! Closest warp is vyrvillage and then to fly west.

Also, ive got a few special builds in mind for the town too. Not yet plotted. So if people want to make tests for
-a cooper/Wainwright/Arkwright guild and workshop that sits on both sides of a street
-master bowyers home with cellar for ageing wood
-luthier's house and workshop
please go ahead. Styleguide is floating above the town on the green concrete, with credit going to Contrablonde for the designs.


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Alrighty! I've got some good news about Darkdell.

Over the past few weeks, Azulejo has done the immense work of plotting a magnificent hill town at /warp vyrtown which should hopefully be open soon.
Terrain is progressing again but most importantly there are a few more plots open at the project, in the valley below the town
There's still one or two available in the farmstead mini west of vyrvillage too, for those interested.


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Hi JohnyzMielony,

Nice work on the workshop! I think there's still a few things that could be improved.

When it comes to the facades, have a look at front of Fernweh's house. That is a really good example of how to make the timber framing patterns that work in the area.
the upper storey should just be the top 3 blocks of the facade. So where the wooden beam is should be where the floor for the upper storey is.

On the gradient, try doing OT-Light OT->Reach with the patterning without using any arbor or light arbor. Also having some variety in the texture, not just fieldstone elevates gradients.

With the interiors, I can see its a storage area but I don't see a production area for arrows (the blacksmith nearby will make the heads).

The lower floor should be reach gravel and maybe dornish dusty dirt. The cobblestone floor is a bit too fancy and a smooth dirt floor would be better in a workplace anyway. less tripping hazards on the cobbles.