Approved Mega Project: Upper Honeywine (Brightwater Keep, Roxton, Hastwyck) by Margaery Tyrell


The Dark Lord Sauron
, I find it to be a much better way of going about feedback. Sometimes giving FB privately can lead to modifications in projects that end up taking the community by surprise, as there's no record of a discussion about the matter ever happening.​

That's all fine and dandy, had the full scope of information about the project been known, which it wasn't as per my posts above and the lack of knowledge that you and a few other builders have demonstrated, giving feedback without proper information or context is the equivalent of declaring the color of wallpaper while having your eyes closed. Privately asking a builder what their intentions are for the project *before* making a public forum post would've successfully accomplished this.

A simple "Hey Margaery, what do you have in mind for the castle location" or "What are those three giant yellow concrete balls labelled Tentative Castle Location for?" would've been enough for me to say "Oh I haven't decided" and "Those are the three proposed locations for the castle, I haven't decided yet but in the meantime I've been working on terra and settlements in the meantime". Even just visiting the project would've sufficed.

I suggest dropping the subject for now, I am uninterested in engaging this subject any further and will not do so any longer. Your suggestions have been taken into consideration, and you have succeeded at dissuading me against a coastal castle, so you and the others can rest easy in knowing you have accomplished changing another person's project.
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Staff member
I have visited your project. I as you know built you a house a week ago in Hastwyck, and I strolled around the lands too. As I said before, I missed the fact about the yellow balls being possible castle locations, being deceived by what I read in the app and the balls' different sizing, which made me think one was for the castle and the others for different structures, instead of going right to them to see if there were any signs specifing it.

Having said that, I don't think there's a need to act like missing that makes my suggestion or anyone elses' additions to it completely out of place, unprepared or contex-lacking. The forums, as I said before, are a perfectly valid place to reach the builder about their plans without the need of middle steps, and stand corrected if they were assumed wrongly.

Besides that, I don't see how anyone questioning one of the possible spots (wheter they decided to do it publicly or privately) is seemingly received negatively, specially given that according to what you have said it was something you were questioning already.
"Oh I haven't decided" and "Those are the three proposed locations for the castle, I haven't decided yet but in the meantime I've been working on terra and settlements in the meantime"​
This would've sufficed as a reply to any of the posts left here. Obviously you can question them (you are meant to in fact, and you rightfully did so), just like I can reply back, that's the beauty of constructive feedback.
Your suggestions have been taken into consideration, and you have succeeded at dissuading me against a coastal castle, so you and the others can rest easy in knowing you have accomplished changing another person's project.​
No need to frame it now like I or anyone else coerced you into it, nor imply that people suggesting changes on other's projects is undesired, meddling or overstepping. That includes me or any other mod, any builder or even a guest, if they have something worth sharing. I myself was a very active guest in the forums before fully joining this community and I would like to think my contributions at that time weren't out of place. It has been done time after time and that's part of participating in a collaborative effort like our server. I shouldn't be explaining this.

This whole interaction falls under a bigger issue regarding giving and receiving feedback that is not meant to be discussed here. It is indeed time to stop.​
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The Dark Lord Sauron
I have a mini for people to apply for. Per usual it must have at least 1 mod approval and approval by myself. I will be looking at applicants as they come in, please place it on your plot and mark if you are applying on the forums and on the build details marker


It is a humble rural vineyard operation. Full details can be found at /warp HastwyckVineyard


I have a mini for people to apply for. Per usual it must have at least 1 mod approval and approval by myself. I will be looking at applicants as they come in, please place it on your plot and mark if you are applying on the forums and on the build details marker


It is a humble rural vineyard operation. Full details can be found at /warp HastwyckVineyard
Hey, I've got a test for this vineyard on my plot at /warp SerSeven. The only thing I haven't done is add trees, bushes and grass.


The Dark Lord Sauron
There is a holdfast to apply for at /warp hastwyckhf2 as a mini-project

Holdfast should be of middling economic status, and echo the previous holdfast. Id like something striking on the hill. Please use local materials only, this is a stone and wood heavy area (in that order), this is meant as a check on Ironborn excursions into the Honewine River Valley.

Post here when your app is ready (along with the warp name to your plot), I will provide advice/feedback in-game and approve if it meets requirements. Moderator approval is needed for it to be posted in production.
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There is a holdfast to apply for at /warp hastwyckhf2 as a mini-project

Holdfast should be of middling economic status, and echo the previous holdfast. Id like something striking on the hill. Please use local materials only, this is a stone and wood heavy area (in that order), this is meant as a check on Ironborn excursions into the Honewine River Valley.

Post here when your app is ready (along with the warp name to your plot), I will provide advice/feedback in-game and approve if it meets requirements. Moderator approval is needed for it to be posted in production.
Hi, here is my app for the holdfast which can be found at the top of my plot (sorry a long fly up) at /warp SerSeven - I haven't done the gradients (I am aiming for the same as Hastwyk Castle and the first HF) or ints yet but I've done the shaping and plotting of rooms - all dirty white wool will be stone and the plaster and wooden parts will be textured accordingly.

I have tried to maintain the character of the previous holdfast, hence the rounded shape and turret roof of the tower. I have also reimagined the stable shed and the adjacent outbuilding, which will be converted into a storage house with beds for 1/2 servants.

I have decided to add one more outbuilding, which will be a small kitchen.

In entering the Holdfast Tower, you will enter into the general hall on the first floor. You can then either descend to the vaulted armoury, or ascend up to the knights bedroom, and onward to the guards' room. There is also roof top access.

Please let me know if you have any questions/need any changes.


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Hi, here is my app for the holdfast which can be found at the top of my plot (sorry a long fly up) at /warp SerSeven - I haven't done the gradients (I am aiming for the same as Hastwyk Castle and the first HF) or ints yet but I've done the shaping and plotting of rooms - all dirty white wool will be stone and the plaster and wooden parts will be textured accordingly.

I have tried to maintain the character of the previous holdfast, hence the rounded shape and turret roof of the tower. I have also reimagined the stable shed and the adjacent outbuilding, which will be converted into a storage house with beds for 1/2 servants.

I have decided to add one more outbuilding, which will be a small kitchen.

In entering the Holdfast Tower, you will enter into the general hall on the first floor. You can then either descend to the vaulted armoury, or ascend up to the knights bedroom, and onward to the guards' room. There is also roof top access.

Please let me know if you have any questions/need any changes.
I've now finished the test including updating the wall and outbuilding shapes and finishing the gradient and interiors :) Please find it located at the top of my plot (/warp SerSeven)


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The Dark Lord Sauron
So I've run into a bit of a problem with the Upper Honeywine terra. Upon reaching the Honeyholt portion of the Honeywine bordering with the Oldtown Server Build, I just realized that Oldtown years ago had raised the upper half of their portion of the river only one block higher. And while this might not seem like a big deal, while experimenting with raising my portion of the honeywine to match I came upon two medium-ish issues that maybe I could get some feedback on how to address.

#1 is the Honeywine castle moat would get swamped with a higher river-level, with the river-dyke/embankment being only 1 bad rainy season from overwhelming the entire embankment

#2 Some portions of Hammerhal and Honeyholt would become direct flood-risks with some of them now lying at the same y-axis of the river once raised up to match.

I was thinking of *maybe* adding earth embankments like at Woodwright to protect these areas, since the Honeywine feels like a river that would overflow its banks with some frequency, but if others have other ideas, im all ears.

For Brighwater's portion the only real headache is the Town that is plotted...but it can be adjusted easily, everything else in BWK can be adjusted fairly handily.

Also I am asking to formally remove the Honeyholt Bridge as part of the Honeywine terra, and rebuild some kind of reinterpretation of it either further upstream on something that is not a man-made earthen embankment for a moat, or completely forgo entirely in lieu of a ferry.


So I've run into a bit of a problem with the Upper Honeywine terra. Upon reaching the Honeyholt portion of the Honeywine bordering with the Oldtown Server Build, I just realized that Oldtown years ago had raised the upper half of their portion of the river only one block higher. And while this might not seem like a big deal, while experimenting with raising my portion of the honeywine to match I came upon two medium-ish issues that maybe I could get some feedback on how to address.

#1 is the Honeywine castle moat would get swamped with a higher river-level, with the river-dyke/embankment being only 1 bad rainy season from overwhelming the entire embankment

#2 Some portions of Hammerhal and Honeyholt would become direct flood-risks with some of them now lying at the same y-axis of the river once raised up to match.

I was thinking of *maybe* adding earth embankments like at Woodwright to protect these areas, since the Honeywine feels like a river that would overflow its banks with some frequency, but if others have other ideas, im all ears.

For Brighwater's portion the only real headache is the Town that is plotted...but it can be adjusted easily, everything else in BWK can be adjusted fairly handily.

Also I am asking to formally remove the Honeyholt Bridge as part of the Honeywine terra, and rebuild some kind of reinterpretation of it either further upstream on something that is not a man-made earthen embankment for a moat, or completely forgo entirely in lieu of a ferry.
I took a look at the river and I think the best course of action is just to lower the part of the honey wine that’s 1 block above. The ocean, whispering sound and BWK are all at y-34. The problem area is WIP being a bridge by the citadel and graves which can be easily changed. As for honeyholt, you can always move the castle up and down as needed and adjust the terra


Donkey Lord
Staff member
A potential fix is to have slab water level from OT all the way to Hammerhal. The terrain at honeyholt would be a relatively easy fix since the old build isn't too detailed when it comes to the topography. Hammerhal however is very well thought out and would likely require a lot more changing than at honeyholt. Sooo that 1 block raise was all slab height, the banks could still be detailed with layers same as normal, and we can put vegetation on layers now too.
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