Approved Mance's Camp - A Farewell Project to Otty's Sanity


Hi Otty,

I am interested in helping out with some of Mance's camp and so have been looking through this thread again and noticed something weird.

In an above post you have positioned the Ice River far north of every map I have seen, in the lands of Always Winter, with the Frozen Shore also in the Lands of Always Winter.
The Frozen Shore is directly North of Bear Island and has been the launching point of Wilding raids. They wouldn't launch raids from that far western edge indicated in the map.
Here is an Imgur link with my evidence I compiled. For some reason Otty's original map on this page is not showing up in the embedded imgur file.

Also I noticed that many maps, including a map of the North in one of the books, indicates there is an island at the mouth of the Ice River(s), which might be a very interesting area to create.
Alas do not forget I'm remapping Beyond the wall, this has been accounted for in the new version which comprises of more uncanonized clans and a more accurate attempt to place the clans.


Here is the update:
I may provide more to the update if I recall something.

And just incase, I wish for approval of the new map.



Staff member
Here is the update:
I may provide more to the update if I recall something.

And just incase, I wish for approval of the new map.


This looks great! Glad you're still slowly but surely chipping away at this behemoth of a project.
I was wondering about the map you and Aeks have been using to divide BtW between the various clans. Would it be helpful if I added borders to the DynMap according to that map, or is it still very much in development? Let me know, I'd be happy to help with any DynMap stuff.


The map is pretty much ready to go (kinda, want to make a few adjustments seeing it at a later date) but it also likely needs approval from a few mods!

This looks great! Glad you're still slowly but surely chipping away at this behemoth of a project.
I was wondering about the map you and Aeks have been using to divide BtW between the various clans. Would it be helpful if I added borders to the DynMap according to that map, or is it still very much in development? Let me know, I'd be happy to help with any DynMap stuff.
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Update: I'm super busy. I have my senior capstone project (designing for a roadside exhibition), book, app, and portfolio due on top of working, friendships, relationships, and applying for jobs that I really just don't have the time for this in my schedule and don't know when I will once I graduate. I wish to keep the project but life has currently taken the priority. The goal is to return in May.



Due to upcoming World Painter redo's and BtW being on that list, I have decided to drop Mances Camp. I have made little progress over the years due to on and off activity and interest and with the current absence of my old terraforming tools (I know, new awesome ones are on the horizon!) Mance will continue to be stagnant.

This, however, does not mean I have lost interest in the project or no longer want to see it through, but there is little space or reason for me to make headway at the moment. I hope to continue the project later, after the WP redo and new editor tools are introduced.

I believe dropping Mances allows me, in the meantime, to find other projects to work on that'll revamp my motivation/interest.
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