Okay upon looking at the list of projects and the map of the Riverlands I've realised it was very unorganised, having entire projects deddicated to single villages that have no canon other than a name such as Donnelwood and Sallydance, this creates a small populated area with empty land all around it like here:
As you can see highlighted in the circles we have various villages and castles built but attached to no lands, In particular looking to Lychester which seems to only claim a small castle on a hill surrounded by forest but not the warp near by called "Lychester Village" despite this the project is apparently complete. I think this needs to be addressed as in reality although it's completely fine to apply for canon areas, it would be better in particular when it comes to castles, and villages if we were applying for houses and not leaving big gaps of empty land which are too weird a shape for anyone to even consider wanting to build there. Therefore for example in terms of Sallydance, we could make it a village in the lands of House Goodbrook, and if you wanted to do it you'd have to apply for Goodbrook. Meaning I can take out the listing of all the villages in this situation on the list and assign them to them with houses that are already listed on the document.
so I looked at all the Riverlands Houses, including adding in some unknown ones, and there's just below 60 Houses so I drew up a map with borders and geograpical features to place them.
I hope this map is clear enough

I took the liberty of filling the house sigils in of some we don't know due to boredom, obviously not official
Eitherway I hope this gives a clear picture of the assigned borders, I tried my best to make them logical while filling in the lands, I'd like to note that the area above Bracken next to Greenhill is controlled by House Blackwood cannonically, tried my best to show that.
I'd now like to highlight three areas on my map that need a bit more clearing up.
1. The cape of Eagles is controlled by House Mallister of Seagard, but also has a cadet house and vassal house Blanetree in those lands, Blanetree is built but the area above it isn't hence I awarded it to a cadet house as frankly we were running out of Houses
2. Saltpans has two houses listed as "of Saltpans" one is the knightly house of Cox and the other the noble house of Hawick, I thought it reasonable to assume that "Saltpans" could refer to the entire region around the town of Saltpans, so I split it in two giving Hawick the town of Saltpans and Cox the land nearby as a vassal of Hawick.
3. Harrenhal has many many houses "of Harrenhal" they are extinct but for the sake of organising lands I've placed them in around the God's Eye area, this is of course not final but it gives us something to work with when considering one of the most empty area's in the Riverlands, alongside this House Whent the current rulers of Harrenhal were deposed of their seat by Tywin, so I've given them control of Stoop's proposed position of God's Eye Town south of Harrenhal, again not final.
Here's an image showing vassalage of Mallister, and Hawick. Can add onto this in the future just wanted to show visual representation of what I was proposing for these two regions.