Fire season
Fire themed activities will revolve around House Targaryen and its Valyrian past.
- Build contest: Valyrian and Targaryen architecture /warp ValyrianContest. Yes, you read that right. Go wild with your imagination and show us what you think the mighty empire from Essos might've looked like. Or maybe try to make an updated version of Dragonstone and the Dragonpit, Targaryen achitecture in Westeros is also allowed and encouraged!
- DATE: Starts this weekend and its prolonged indefinitely, roughly until mid October.
- Everyone is welcomed to participate, even guests! If you are a guest and want to build at the contest follow this link. Multiple entries per builder as well as co-op are also allowed!
- PRIZE: Hey, you should do this for fun! Buuuuut you can expect some rewards for the best entry hehehehe.
- Community event: Escape the storming of the Dragonpit /warp [to be set]. Recreate with us the famous event that took place during the Dance of the Dragons (activity yet to be finished). DATE: After the end of HotD first season.
Blood season
Blood themed activities will revolve around war and combat.
Blood themed activities will revolve around war and combat.
- Community event: The Battle of the Blackwater /warp BWB. The biggest battle of the War of the Five Kings, this event will consist of several activities, from PVP and capture the flag to parkour and more! Yes it is not technically HotD related but shhhhh, it's going to be really cool.
- DATE: It will be split between 2 days. First half of the event will be held the 20th of August and the second half will happen the 3rd of September. The exact starting time is yet to be decided, but expect it to be similar to the 10 years Anniversary events. The dates themselves may shift a bit so they can match Elduwin's availability, who is the mind behind it. Everyone give him lots of cookies for building and preparing it!
- Build contest: Signs of War /warp WarContest. Builder that loves to add storytelling and meanings to your work, this is for you! Refugee or bandit camps, siege workshops, a road lined with gibbets, various buildings on fire/under attack, a slice of a seige, naval battles, hamlets affected by war, cities redoing their walls, battlegrounds... The possibilites are endless! Put your imagination at test!
- DATE: It will start after the Battle of the Blackwater event, and it will bre prolonged until mid november.
- Everyone is welcomed to participate, even guests! If you are a guest and want to build at the contest follow this link. Multiple entries per builder as well as co-op are also allowed!
- PRIZE: Just as with the other contest, expect something for the best entry!
Keep an eye on this thread for updates on the events. We hope you all will love it!