Completed Fairmarket (EStoop)


Knight of Fairmarket
Not really an update, just notifying everyone I'm still alive and aiming to finish Fairmarket sometime this decade.
I'm quite busy with work these days, and I have started a post-graduate last month because who likes free time anyway?

In the past few months I have gradually worked on making the streets more narrow. This has resulted in a slight change in plotting in the south-west portion of the town. The septry with tiny orchard that used to be there could do with a slightly larger rework, and I invite anyone who might be interested in it to make some tests. Ask me for details on discord if you're interested.

The main sept has had some work done with a lot of help and inspiration provided by ContraBlonde. It's still on my plot, since I have yet to figure out the details.

Some might have noticed the pride decorations are still up in lower Fairmarket. I have decided not to remove these for the time being (at least untill upper Fairmarket replaces the lower) since I still quite enjoy the decorations as well as the message that is send with them.


Knight of Fairmarket
Work has been done in the town and actual progress has been made.

The streets
Most if not all streets have been made narrower, giving room to a handful of new plots throughout the town. The gardens are a mess right now, but they will all receive an update to make full use of the newly aqcuired space. The streets will get a dirt and mud palette rather than cobble, with the exception of the market square.

The houses
I've been in the process of changing the palette of several houses in order to make them appear slightly poorer. The interiors will remain the same, but there will be an increase in use of thatch and wood.

The sept
I'm finally content with the way the sept looks. Since the changes to the sept have come with a series of changes to it's floorplan I'm also in the process of amending the surrounding area in order to properly incorperate it into the town.

All in all I feel like Fairmarket is finally reaching a shape with which I am fully content. Hopefully I will be able to finish the project around the new year, opening the way to fully focus on Oldtown.


Knight of Fairmarket
Over the past few months I haven't had a lot of time to dedicate to Fairmarket, or Westeroscraft altogether.
I have made some solid progres last year and for a few hours it almost looked as if the project could actually be finished before the end of the year, but alas, it was not meant to be.

The Town
For over a year now there has been a second version of Fairmarket hovering over the old one. By now, most if not all the streets have been made narrower and houses have been updated (many still need interiors though). Up next are the many gardens that are now in absolute turmoil, house interiors and tidying the streets with a sweet new palette.

How to contribute
There are still places where people can help out at Fairmarket:
  • I'm looking for a small septry based school/orphanage in the south-west corner of the town. The yellow plot is littered with tests but I'm more than happy with fresh looks on what would fit that area. Send me a message if you're interested.
  • Several new houses need to be furnished. The basics are already done: floors, walls and stairs, but it is currently very cold inside and people have no place to work, sit or sleep. If you are interested in doing low, middle and high class furnishings let me know.
  • Parts of the large septry north of Fairmarket are still unfinished. Contact me if you're interested in doing any of the following:
    • Cidery
    • Stables
    • Hospital
    • Kitchens
    • Barn & granary
That's all for now!


Knight of Fairmarket
The past two weeks there has been some progress at Fairmarket!
Shoutout to CashBanks for trading one finished Oldtown contest entry for all the fields at Fairmarket. The fields should be finished before the end of the month.

Pride Fairmarket will soon make place for floaty Fairmarket, which I aim to do at the start of May.
Make sure to take a last walk through the rainbow coloured streets of Fairmarket before that time, or to add some more.

I'm still looking for people to help out:
How to contribute
There are still places where people can help out at Fairmarket:
  • I'm looking for a small septry based school/orphanage in the south-west corner of the town. The yellow plot is littered with tests but I'm more than happy with fresh looks on what would fit that area. Send me a message if you're interested.
  • Several new houses need to be furnished. The basics are already done: floors, walls and stairs, but it is currently very cold inside and people have no place to work, sit or sleep. If you are interested in doing low, middle and high class furnishings let me know.
  • Parts of the large septry north of Fairmarket are still unfinished. Contact me if you're interested in doing any of the following:
    • Cidery
    • Stables
    • Hospital
    • Kitchens
    • Barn & granary


Knight of Fairmarket
I haven't been active that much the past few weeks/months
Big shoutout to Margaery_Tyrell who has been very active in the town, tidying the mess I've been making of it.

I might have some time (and motivation) to make some proper progress towards finishing the project during the holidays.
Send me a message on the forums or discord if you want to help out, there are still a few things I'd like to finish and/or update (castle, septry, sept, large septry and the Ramsford-Northern Blue Fork).


Knight of Fairmarket
For a while now the castle at Fairmarket irked me, it wasn't quite what I wanted it to be and so I have been testing for a new version for a long time.
Last week I finally managed to make something I am truly content with, and as a result I'm able to plot the area around the castle hill.

The new castle is a lone towerhouse within a circular wall. Along the wall are stables, storage and some extra buildings (have yet to decide what exactly), as well as another wooden building within the walls for a steward or servant family.

With the castle tackled, there is one thing left preventing me from finally finishing the rest of the town plans; the large sept, or more specifically, the supporting buildings around that sept. Currently there is a cloistered courtyard and a septon's mansion on the south side of the sept, but I am looking to add more essential buildings for a sept of this size on the west side of the sept and/or cloister. If anyone has any ideas what to add, please send me a message on discord or in this thread.

There is plenty of other work to be done at Fairmarket though, such as:
  • Interiors for houses, mostly furniture only but in some cases also placing a fireplace (and chimney). Interiors are fairly straightforwards: Ground floor is for trade/craft, living if not indicated, storeys for living and sleeping and attics for storage (preferably not sleeping). Interiors are not supposed to have a lot of walls, and most houses are already set up for this.
  • The northern septry still needs some rooms and buildings decorated (I know, interiors are not my favourite part of building nor my strong suit).
  • The south-west septry is still looking for a new version. I know some people have been testing but to be honest I have not been paying much attention, hit me up on discord if you have or want to test. Generally I am looking for a small septry or sept with a large open courtyard on the south side.
TLDR: I am calling for help from anyone with an interest in everything septy (as well as some other small tasks, I mean it's a lot but it's small bite-ready chunks).
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Knight of Fairmarket
I've spend the past few days working on Fairmarket (with some help) and I am happy to announce the town is very close to being finished.
I'm not there yet though, so I am calling once again for your support! Help is needed for:
  • House interiors, basically only adding furniture and fireplace(s). There are ~10 interiors left, marked with a yellow line above the buildings.
  • Septry interiors, for the large northbank septry: Kitchens, novice quarters, granery and buttery. Above the cidery and stables is also some additional storage for cider, hay and whatnot.
If you are interested in doing one of the above, feel free to pick it up.
The finish line is in sight, all I need is a handful of Sams to haul me over it.


Knight of Fairmarket
2023 Pride announcement
What better use for the 69th (nice!) post in the Fairmarket thread than to announce the 2023 Fairmarket Pride event!

This year Fairmarket will do its name justice yet again and will be open for builders to decorate in the spirit of Pride Month.
While last year saw the streets of Fairmarket dabbed in colourful decorations, this year Fairmarket will be hosting Pride on the Blue Fork.
Feel free to add boats, rafts or other structures on the river or the riverside market on the northern bank in the coming weeks.

Here is a map of the Pride area:

Note 1: Please do not touch or change the riverbanks, the city itself or buildings and structures directly bordering the river.
Note 2: Boats, rafts or any other vessels or structures in style with the server have a good chance of remaining in Fairmarket after Pride.


Knight of Fairmarket
Minor Update
Thanks you everyone for setting up a canal pride at Fairmarket, I think the end result is quite cool. My personal favourite is the bi-plane.

I'll be removing the cruise ship and airplanes at some point, if you want to keep them around make sure to move them to your plot.
The rest of the structures will be cleaned up a little but I will try to maintain the boats and incorperate them into the project.
I'll be tweaking the sails and colours of the boats a little to make them a bit more subtle.

Everyone is more than welcome to keep contributing to the canal parade, as long as the boats, ships and other vessels are in style with the project.
There will always be a place for those wishing to celebrate Pride at Fairmarket as long as the project remains open.


Knight of Fairmarket
Hey all!


After a wild ride of slightly more than 8 years it's finally time to call this project finished*. I'd like to take this moment to thank everyone who has been involved with the project during these years, both during its final construction as well as during the many iterations of the town that have been there before.

Over the years I have received a lot of help building this project from more builders than I can name, and although not all buildings have made it into the current version of the town I think all contributions have been a massive help in getting the town to be as it is today. I’d like to thank everyone for their help making this project a reality.
In addition, I would like to give some SPECIAL THANKS to a handful of people who have done probably more for the project at times than I have myself, which are:

  • Reygame, my original co-pilot and without whom the project would have never been started.
  • CashBanks , without whom the fields around Fairmarket would have been plaster and clay to this very day.
  • ChrisHiss , who built the majority of the FM septry and nearby village during probation.
  • Margaery_Tyrell and Enahsian, who both furnished the majority of buildings in the town.
  • Jakethesnake8_8 and Emoticone11, for their help shaping the forests and terrain when my memory of my days as an editor became a more distant memory than I’d like to admit.
To give an indication of how this project has grown over the years; from the deepest archives of the Citadel I present to you the original project application.

* The hills along the Blackwood Vale and around fmhf3 are unfinished due to the prospect of the Whispering Wood being moved to this location. The holdfast is intended to be at the mouth of the valley, with the other end being roughly at current Pennytree. See the plans made in this and this post.


Knight of Fairmarket
Thanks everyone for the kind words! I'm quite proud of what we achieved with this project.
If anyone is exploring Fairmarket and finds something that is obviously not right, feel free to fix it on the spot or to notify me if you're not comfortable doing so.

For the moderators post approving this project; there are some patches of wool and general terraforming issues underwater in the Blue Fork which I left for what they are since I figured the move to 1.18 would come with renewed efforts to do something with our underwater landmarks. If you want it fixed right now I'll do it, but I feel like it will be taken up at some point regardless to add some underwater life that was previously impossible to do.