
  1. I

    Approved House Mollen - Finn

    Here is my application for House Mollen - see pdf attached.
  2. 7JG7

    Approved House Santagar of the Spottswood - 7 and Steele

    Hello everyone! Please find below mine and KDSteele's application for House Sanatagar of the Spottswood.
  3. Rexstop15

    Completed House Bar Emmon - by Rexstop

    Hello everyone! after some time, finally here is my app for the lands of House Bar Emmon of Sharp Point. Let me know what you think! : CLICK HERE TO SEE APP
  4. I

    Approved House Long - Finn

    Here is my application for House Long, see pdf attached. (Updated document)
  5. Antony

    Approved Stepstones Megaproject (Bloodstone, Birdstone, Grey Gallows) by Antony_Justman

    Soo... the time has FINALY come!! A small intro So, before I proceed, I need to state that, I have decided, to call this project a megabuild, more due to its size and also, itself beeing comprised by three islands, if that is, one can say 1 island would equal a project, but since all other...
  6. Rexstop15

    Completed Stonedance by Rexstop - Application Thread

    Ok, so after having agreed on the style and inspo for Massey's Hook, here is my application for House Massey of Stonedance: HOUSE MASSEY APP I hope you like it :)