Completed Stonedance by Rexstop - Application Thread


Hi ! this is a really cute app I love it! and it's also really taking roots and expanding in the mutiple tests I did for SharpPoint, which is really cool and thoughfull :) !

I have one note that maybe could be cleared a bit, it's the presence of mountains. In the inspo you gave us on the Massey hook thread, the land are pretty flat and cliffy, like Bretagne or Cornwall, which have little to no mountains, it's also what I imagined SP to look like, wouldn't it be more interesting to go for a more flat environement instead of a mountains type that we have a lot already, and to change it for a terraforming that reflect more the coastal aspect and storm brushed land and less a mountainous space ? or it could be really low mountains, like rocky hills, or rolling greens mountains.
whatever is the best solution, here is a cross section of the massey hook peninsula I did While researching for SP that could be helpfull maybe :
InkedInkedInkedmasseyhook cross section.jpg(really difficult to write cursive with a pad that's terrible but basically, from west to east : Long beach, arable lands, Moors/rocky hills/small mountains, Forest, cliff and coastal eroded like it's well seen in the inspo you gave)

Also! last note, multiple other builders did tests for stonedance at some point, without really realising it at the end. I think Simba test can be really interesting to look at, especially for the castle layout that look like a "circonvoluted dance of stone among the ocean" to me, and which could gave the grandest castle of that peninsula a really unique look !

that's all for me, voila :)
goodnight :)


Hi ! this is a really cute app I love it! and it's also really taking roots and expanding in the mutiple tests I did for SharpPoint, which is really cool and thoughfull :) !

I have one note that maybe could be cleared a bit, it's the presence of mountains. In the inspo you gave us on the Massey hook thread, the land are pretty flat and cliffy, like Bretagne or Cornwall, which have little to no mountains, it's also what I imagined SP to look like, wouldn't it be more interesting to go for a more flat environement instead of a mountains type that we have a lot already, and to change it for a terraforming that reflect more the coastal aspect and storm brushed land and less a mountainous space ? or it could be really low mountains, like rocky hills, or rolling greens mountains.
whatever is the best solution, here is a cross section of the massey hook peninsula I did While researching for SP that could be helpfull maybe :
View attachment 12885(really difficult to write cursive with a pad that's terrible but basically, from west to east : Long beach, arable lands, Moors/rocky hills/small mountains, Forest, cliff and coastal eroded like it's well seen in the inspo you gave)

Also! last note, multiple other builders did tests for stonedance at some point, without really realising it at the end. I think Simba test can be really interesting to look at, especially for the castle layout that look like a "circonvoluted dance of stone among the ocean" to me, and which could gave the grandest castle of that peninsula a really unique look !

that's all for me, voila :)
goodnight :)
Yess, I envisioned something like this as well. Lower the mountains into a kind of moorland and show the rain shadow effect a bit. Not too harshly tho, because although most of the clouds/air come from the Narrow Sea, evaporation from the Blackwater's bay would also produce a considerable amount of clouds.
I visited Simba's plot and checked his tests, I like his plans for the castle, and I will take inspo from them. My castle plans are still very rough because I want to play with the terra first in order to make the castle fit the land and not the other way around!


Yess, I envisioned something like this as well. Lower the mountains into a kind of moorland and show the rain shadow effect a bit. Not too harshly tho, because although most of the clouds/air come from the Narrow Sea, evaporation from the Blackwater's bay would also produce a considerable amount of clouds.
I visited Simba's plot and checked his tests, I like his plans for the castle, and I will take inspo from them. My castle plans are still very rough because I want to play with the terra first in order to make the castle fit the land and not the other way around!
Something similar to the Shropshire Hills in England perhaps:


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I’d discourage the use of the Shropshire hills, as they are inland forms which are exposed to different erosive forces than the coastal mountains on Massey’s Hook. I’d suggest looking at some coastal hills/mountains for inspiration instead.
Yeah, true. Other parts that may work are the Exmoor hills or the Quantock Hills in Somerset.


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Staff member
Hi ! this is a really cute app I love it! and it's also really taking roots and expanding in the mutiple tests I did for SharpPoint, which is really cool and thoughfull :) !

I have one note that maybe could be cleared a bit, it's the presence of mountains. In the inspo you gave us on the Massey hook thread, the land are pretty flat and cliffy, like Bretagne or Cornwall, which have little to no mountains, it's also what I imagined SP to look like, wouldn't it be more interesting to go for a more flat environement instead of a mountains type that we have a lot already, and to change it for a terraforming that reflect more the coastal aspect and storm brushed land and less a mountainous space ? or it could be really low mountains, like rocky hills, or rolling greens mountains.
whatever is the best solution, here is a cross section of the massey hook peninsula I did While researching for SP that could be helpfull maybe :
View attachment 12885(really difficult to write cursive with a pad that's terrible but basically, from west to east : Long beach, arable lands, Moors/rocky hills/small mountains, Forest, cliff and coastal eroded like it's well seen in the inspo you gave)

Also! last note, multiple other builders did tests for stonedance at some point, without really realising it at the end. I think Simba test can be really interesting to look at, especially for the castle layout that look like a "circonvoluted dance of stone among the ocean" to me, and which could gave the grandest castle of that peninsula a really unique look !

that's all for me, voila :)
goodnight :)
I would be massively (or should that be massey-vely?) In favour of a Cornwall or Bretagne type of terrain as this is hugely underrepresented on ohr map (There are only a few places that come to mind, part of the south coast of Cape Kraken, Bandallon, and Banefort. It would be great to have a region with consistent terra across multiple projects as could be done here.

To add to the inspo, the Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall comes to mind.



Donkey Lord
Staff member
Are you going to have terrain more similar to guillard's diagram? If so, another map might be in order to straighten out where field and moorland can be if the ridgeline is on the eastern side rather than central.

Also, the terrain tests are good for low beaches but what do you have in mind for cliffs like what might be around the castle or on eroded parts of the eastern shore?


Lovely map Rex! Perhaps you could have some sheep pastures on higher ground? They're better at grazing on slopes and could be an alternative source of economy for their wool, and meat.

Here's a bit of extra reading about grazing livestock if you want to give it a read, but it pretty much explains what I said in more detail.

Can't wait to see you start this Rex !


Lovely map Rex! Perhaps you could have some sheep pastures on higher ground? They're better at grazing on slopes and could be an alternative source of economy for their wool, and meat.

Here's a bit of extra reading about grazing livestock if you want to give it a read, but it pretty much explains what I said in more detail.

Can't wait to see you start this Rex !
And cheese ;-) we always forget to have some cheese


Little update on Stonedance:
I haven't been home too much this month so Stonedance is going very sloooowly. I hope I can manage to speed things up a bit from this week. I've begin with some basic terra and the layout of Stonetown is almost done. Plots will be open probably this next week :)
