Search results

  1. CashBanks

    Fall 2020 Rookery Submissions OPEN!

    Hey you know that amazing server newspaper that gets released once a quarter? Well here's you chance to contribute! We're now accepting submissions of any type for the Fall 2020 issue of the Rookery. These could include: Project spotlights Community spotlights (for community members who have...
  2. CashBanks

    Immersion Build Real Estate near Ball

    While finishing up the Mander a lovely little spot has been created on the shores across from Ball, downriver from Woodwright. It's this island with the white spot on it. What could be built here? A ruined fort formerly used to fend off Iron Born raiders? A big old willow tree? A ferryman...
  3. CashBanks

    Approved Project Application: Middlebury by ItsPabs

    ItsPabs' Middlebury Application
  4. CashBanks

    Covering the north in Snowy Spruce

    Here we figure out how to comprehensively replace all spruce leaf blocks in snowy areas with the @Emotione11's new Snowy Spruce Leaf block. Maybe we divide the North up into intro strips and allocate each to a volunteer to handle the swap, doing all the trees in their zone from east to west.
  5. CashBanks

    LOCKDOWN WITH WESTEROS - Building Contest Announcement

    Hi everyone, the server's been busy with activity over the last few weeks with lots of first time visitors, new builders and projects getting worked on. Building Contest - Theme Announcement: SHIPS! AHOY. With the world in the grip of COVID-19 lockdowns and travel restrictions, cruise lines...
  6. CashBanks

    LOCKDOWN WITH WESTEROS - Three Competitions | Scene Recreations | Screenshots | Building |

    Hey everyone! As we find ourselves in these difficult times, we were thinking of ways to raise the morale and encourage teamwork, but also spark the creativity this community has tons of. That's why we've decided to hold not one, not two but three contests! These, however, won't all be your...
  7. CashBanks

    Sunspear/Dorne Redo Discussion Megathread

    Here we can discuss ideas, styles, inspiration, proposals and dreams for the inevitable Sunspear and Dorne redo/completion.
  8. CashBanks

    Gulltown Redo Discussion Megathread

    Here we can discuss ideas, styles, inspiration, proposals and dreams for a possible Gulltown redo (should it ever occur). Highlights package of current Gulltown:
  9. CashBanks


    It’s Secret Santa but with blocks and stuff! THE GAME: Builders who want to play will be anonymously assigned another builder and their project to build a gift for. You’ll know who you’re building a gift for, but you won’t know who’s building one for you. You’ll be assigned who to build for...
  10. CashBanks

    Server Downtime - 8 December 2019 - 11pm US EST - Update Finished

    @mikeprimm and @illblew will be migrating Westeros to a new server VM tonight (8 December 2019), starting at 11pm US EST. The existing production server will be shut down, a final sync of the production server data will be made over to the new server, the IP address will be transferred to the...
  11. CashBanks

    Halloween Contest - Winners!

    Thanks to everyone who contributed to this year's spooky Halloween contest. I'm pleased to announce the following winners, as voted by the judging committee of Iwan, WRMD, Codd and Wolf. First Place: @Zsomiking Equal 2nd Place @Antony and @Arkilstorm As a prize, the winners can claim the...
  12. CashBanks

    Halloween Contest!

    Hey all, We're doing a quick fun contest to celebrate Halloween! Start Friday, 25th of October, GMT 17:00 End Friday, 8th of November GMT 17:00 Plots available at /warp HalloweenContest Multiple submissions will be allowed, as well as co-ops. However, you can only receive a prize for one...
  13. CashBanks

    Terraforming Making smooth lines for roads/river with WE

    Recently I stumbled on a worldedit trick that immensely speeds up the process of setting down the path of roads/rivers. I'm sure a few of you might know how this works already, but if it's news to me it's undoubtedly news to other people as well. Step 1: The selection //sel convex The...
  14. CashBanks

    Halloween 2019

    Hey ghosts and ghouls, as you might've noticed there are some spooky things-a-happening at Duskendale. Feel free to join the monster mash and add your own creative Halloween builds and decorations. Only two rules: 1. Don't change any existing blocks. 2. Make it easy to clean up. Happy...
  15. CashBanks

    September Rookery - What are you proud of and would you like to write something

    Hey everyone, We're starting to think about the next edition of the Rookery (our hopefully quarterly server newsletter) and wanted to ask two things of our community: 1. What are you proud of? - Because our server is so large, it's undoubtedly the case that not everything gets the attention...
  16. CashBanks

    Immersion Contest Winners

    Hello all, I was worried my previous post was buried and didn't get the fanfare it deserved. Thank you all for your patience while we reviewed all your entries and tabulated the votes, it was a really wide spread of results and it ended up being really close, indicating that there is a broad...
  17. CashBanks

    The Rookery - June 2019 - Server News and Updates

    Hi all, Here's a link to the latest edition of the Rookery for June 2019. All images available for download here
  18. CashBanks

    Cash's Custom Creation Cache

    Just a thread to store all my dumb ideas A while back Loras tricked me into testing out an idea for Sept idol status First attempt at the Mother was less than ideal. Bannermen banners + Renly Reach carved wood blocks Highgarden carved marble Miscellaneous lady blocks Dreadfoooort...
  19. CashBanks


    Hey everyone. We were going to hold off and until Season 8 dropped but I just couldn't keep it a secret any longer! Dragons are now a ridable mount in Westeroscraft! Spawning is really easy. Just type "summon dragon" and voila! Dracarys!
  20. CashBanks

    Season 8 Promotions *Show Spoilers*

    Hey team, As the hype train for Season 8 starts to build steam we thought it would be a great idea to jump on the bandwagon and start featuring the server in some social media posts (instagram, reddit, twitter etc). What we need: 1. Pics! 2. More Pics! Doesn't matter if they're shadered or...