Yay! Please do a Gulltown redo!
My favourite thing about it is the comparative lack of canon. I kind of went a little crazy making it "special" to try and set it apart from the other cities (before we had all the textures we do now!). The mountains surrounding the town are a lie! I put them there to arrange the city in tiers, as it is now. Most of the canon maps I've seen show the peninsula as being relatively flat. By all means, flatten them, and with the power of hindsight I'll tell you why.
Looking back over the canon Gulltown is similar in many ways to Highgarden, with the Vale acting as a kind of breadbasket for the Kingdom.
Comparisons are made to the Reach in terms of prosperous harvests, and a
Targaryen King once ordered the construction of a fortified granary in the city. It would make a lot more sense if the town was surrounded by farmland, not mountains.
That said, you could just as well go for a Swiss mountain village look, it would certainly set Gulltown apart from the rest.
I really really like the first image of Lucerne EStoop posted with lots of galleried timber and stone bridges criss-crossing inlets into the town. I also really like how the left side of the city has pretty moats fed by the river upstream which empty into the lake.
It will have to bear some similarity to White Harbour, port towns gunna port. Gulltown is smack in the middle of the King's Landing - White Harbour trade route so there's bound to be similarities between the three. As for the class divisions in the city, London is a great exemplar. I don't know how many of you are familiar with
Charles Booth's poverty maps but they're a lovely piece of insight (I use them all the time for work).
I'm not really an expert on building style but I think the suggestion to go for a Bavarian/Swiss approach would be great

Another reason why Lucerne is a great shout.
So for what it's worth, I give you my full consent to nuke the old son-of-a-b****!