Search results

  1. CashBanks

    PvE - Fist of the First Men

    Hey everyone, I've thrown together a test of a PvE concept to see how we might be able to manage fighting mobs in game. If you head over to /warp pve you'll be able to give it a try for yourselves. I figure we might be able to setup discrete, self contained...
  2. CashBanks

    Completed Summerhall - Cash

    Here it is, I'm sure there's some areas that could be polished and refined with some second opinions, so let's treat this as the start of the conversation. Thanks to Ark, Enah, Emote and Iwan for the help so far. Thanks
  3. CashBanks

    Fire & Blood hype thread

    Volume 1 of Fire and Blood is to be released on November 20. The book will have 80 black-and-white illustrations by Doug Wheatley. Prince Aemond on Vhagar chases Prince Lucerys on Varax. Orys Baratheon slays Argilac the Arrogant. King Aegon 1 Queen Rhaenys I think there's a great...
  4. CashBanks

    [Building] Castle inspiration and floor plans

    Just stumbled on a pretty wild website, this person has researched and built lego replicas of dozens of castles all over Europe. They've included floor plans for each one as well.
  5. CashBanks

    Discussing spoilers in-game

    I think the blanket ban on discussing potential spoilers in-game is unnecessary. In fact it seems bizarre to me that a community comprised of fans as passionate about ASOIAF as we are is expressly forbidden from discussing it. How many times have new visitors to the server asked a question...
  6. CashBanks

    Completed Project Application: Wull

    Hey everyone, here's my proposal for the chance to finish the region of the Wull Clan, a really cool (orphaned) project, one that has a unique character and is canonically significant. Google doc PDF As you can see from the app, I've already done a tonne of testing on my plot, and that...