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  1. AerioOndos

    Almanach Expansion + Capturing/Controlling Regions

    However, my point is that sieges are prolonged events, not happening within the space of an hour. So what you are talking about would be storms/storming of strongholds rather than a siege as such
  2. AerioOndos

    Almanach Expansion + Capturing/Controlling Regions

    Realistically, one could not harvest fields during a siege unless the besieging forces were not great enough to prevent exit from the stronghold. Perhaps sieges could be based on stats until a sortie or a raid is declared. These times are agreed upon by the two parties so that there can be an...
  3. AerioOndos

    Siege event: Casterly Rock (MMO Mock Event Test)

    yeah, I think PVP would be necessary for the world to feel immersive. Otherwise it is just scheming.
  4. AerioOndos

    Withdrawn Vikary by GrayJedi

    Perhaps the golden strip is the result of them siding with the Lannisters, rather than the Reynes, as a quite obvious statement of difference. Could be some interesting things to do with that
  5. AerioOndos

    Almanach Expansion + Capturing/Controlling Regions

    I think the cooldown should be on the shorter end, to emphasise the fragility of power. Large scale battles between armies would most likely not be at the strongholds of houses. E.g. the Battle of the Bells and the Trident were major deciding battles in Robert's Rebellion yet did not take place...
  6. AerioOndos

    Siege event: Casterly Rock (MMO Mock Event Test)

    Perhaps the title should have had the latter half first "Mock MMO Event Test: SIEGE EVENT CASTERLY ROCK 'cos the hype was real
  7. AerioOndos

    Duskendale News

    ^Some lies are better than answers
  8. AerioOndos

    Approved Mance's Camp - A Farewell Project to Otty's Sanity

    Perhaps Birdman's caves could be moved to wherever the Cave Dwellers started to journey out from.
  9. AerioOndos

    Completed Project/update application: Norrey

    Style updated and in the document. Different style with turf houses to be used on flat lands where turf is more prevalent. Large blackhouse-like test in the works, still need to finalise that and change it to have more of a rounded character. One hamlet has been reserved as a mini...
  10. AerioOndos

    Wylla Builder Application

    Needs a picture of your avatar in front of one of your builds iirc. Otherwise, great stuff!
  11. AerioOndos

    NoriakiKujo Builder Application

    That could work. It would be a small shed or side jutting out of the building, perhaps a separate room. If you are determined on starting again you could build a 1:1 copy of a certain style, then change things. Move the door placement, change where the fireplace is. Add a shed. Imitating builds...
  12. AerioOndos

    Westeroscraft walks- episode 100

    Discord VC? Because text will get very cluttered
  13. AerioOndos

    Naming Hamlets and Towns

    The representation of such names would only appear once building is complete so there can be more in depth land acquisition. because how edifying would it be to successfully gain lhthf2 through a potentially dangerous bit of intrigue
  14. AerioOndos

    WesterosCraft Image References Repository

    If you want a large amount of other northern styles, drystone, sod or otherwise, I have a large amount of inspiration images.
  15. AerioOndos

    Naming Hamlets and Towns

    Or before the project is finished, after all the building is done. Though I feel like a lot of places might end up with long-ish names like Stratford-upon-Avon or Inn by the Crossroads
  16. AerioOndos

    Completed Project/update application: Norrey

    As the resume that looks nicely formatted in the google doc is munted on the forums so here it is again Iron: Knotthf a veritable ton of probie houses Aeksio: Ufferingham1 Knott lumber and ringfort mini-minis not quite as many houses So this is the co-op update/foster of Norrey by myself and...
  17. AerioOndos

    New Launcher Release

    I think posting in Support might help more than here
  18. AerioOndos

    Character Skins

    those are actually great
  19. AerioOndos

    mrLudicrou5 Builder Application

    I use the linked bb code option. that might work for you