Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear


Staff member
I may have misinterpreted the original reply when you were asking about the several smaller houses. I thought that you wanted a larger residence for the family and I needed more space. So I swapped the living area with the work area.

Also I have an updated facade test. After looking around hornvale and tarbeck I had some new ideas for the facade.
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Hi Cris,

You're correct that I would prefer one large residence for the family. When I mentioned "separate residences for paid help further away," I meant more as a hamlet that would also be on the same side of the river. I asked the question about multiple buildings because that's what it looked like you plotted.

So far, none of your residence tests have been large enough for the main residence of the farmstead. I recommend you look up "medieval Italian farmhouse" or look at the farmsteads across Oxcross, Sarsfield, and Tarbeck Hall to see the approximate size of the buildings on the farms.
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