This is probably the biggest feature of real life architecture that we could never properly represent with our resource pack. Considering the amount of change it would bring, we should just rip the bandaid off now and get it over with.
I sort of had an idea though - what if we added a 6-way cuboid block (i.e. like duckweed but also able to be placed vertically like vines) with a transparent dappled moss CTM, so that it can be placed over terrainset blocks? This would be in addition to the thicker carpet moss block with overlay CTM that you're working on. Granted, it'll probably be used on bricks and other things as well, but that might be fine.
oday I took some time off from building and checked out Emote and Tham's test packs, with the New terrainsets and overlays enabled.
As for an update/expansion of the timber frame blocks, I think with the upcoming KL update as well as the prospect of a Gulltown redo it would be the perfect time to update the timber frame pack.![]()
Prototype of the stripped bark fence. You got any specific requests here otherwise I'll go ahead with recoloring them to match the planks (Although that's somewhat unrealistic.. I mean our spruce planks don't actually represent raw wood. They would have been pitched/varnished/painted otherwise they'd never be this dark.)
This is verry interestingToday I took some time off from building and checked out Emote and Tham's test packs, with the New terrainsets and overlays enabled.
A big change I wasn't aware of until I downloaded the terrainset pack was that the moss was removed from the Iron and Eastern Island terrainsets, I think this is a positive change, as not only do the new textures look great they also allow for blending with the Northern and Mountains of the Moon terrainsets.
Pyke: Current -- New
Red Keep: Current -- New
Spicetown: Current -- New
Terrainset Tests:
The Black Bar is the rock which lends the name to House Blackbar, it also is a good showcase of the building potential of the new Ores
Black Bar : Current --Test
Another Location in Bandallon, this is a quarry featuring mixing between the Reach, Mountains of the Moon, and Westerlands Terrainsets.
Enah's Quarry: Current Quarry -- Quarry With Overlay and New Terrainset
The imgur album below is a test of the new terrainsets and their interactions with the new ores. Overall I think all of the changes are an improvement, but there are some things I'm not quite happy with.
A Look at the New Additions: Imgur Album of all Tests
Moss textures: It doesn't seem that wieldy, a large block of moss, It would fit in some places and would be a welcome addition but a dappled moss would look better on cliff sides and such, much like what used in the Iron Island and Eastern Island terrainsets. Having a dappled moss as something to place, like horizontal and vertical paper, would be great to have.
Emote's idea would fit that need
River Rock: I like the new color, and it blends well with the EI, II, MotM, and Northern terrainsets (despite the fact they don't have an overlay)
however I don't think it works well with the AD, RM and Stormlands terrainsets. I think adding a green (perhaps a lighter shade) colored set that matches the texture of the Arbor Dorne, Red Mountain and Stormlands terrainsets would fix things.
Stormlands: While I'm not 100% on board with chocolate stormlands most of the castles in the region match the chocolate. This means that for now we should keep the stormlands brown but keep new texture as an alternate terrainset for transitions.
These two images are the main gradients possible with new Terrainsets, but theres a lot more that could be created, especially with alternate terrainsets. If you want to be more involved with the direction of the Terrainsets (and by extension the future of the server :O) I suggest you download the test resource packs and test some things for yourself and post feedback on this thread.
View attachment 3459View attachment 3460
(also on an unrelated note If we are adding vertical daub & wattle I would suggest we add all of Tham's timber frames they look excellent)
Since adding the vertical d&w (and our future plans re: KL and Gulltown) does create a bit of a slippery slope in terms of what other d&w blocks we might want to consider adding at this point, I discussed the issue with the rest of the mod team to see how far we want to go with it.
Our consensus was that we'll add some additional colors, namely a spruce timber, black/gray/white painted timber (consistent with the painted wood variants that were recently added), and some variants with either spruce/oak timber and some colored infill (including the variants that we've considered for Gulltown). Your insight on which of these variants would be most realistic/useful would be very much appreciated. Keep in mind that we won't be able to cross every timber color with every infill type/color, since the combinatorics would get really intractable.
We won't, however, be adding any additional timber shapes. We felt that this would quickly outdate just about every existing build using d&w (including currently up-to-standard towns like Duskendale, Fairmarket, Stoney Sept, etc.) in a way that the above wouldn't, since uses (or lack of use) of particular colors of d&w (or painted wood, stone palette, etc.) are a bit more justifiable as regional stylistic differences (such as Duskendale having a muted palette by design).
Close studding would be my pick as well, with an honorary mention to the herringbone variant.If there was any possibility of adding just one new D&W timber shape I would advocate for this one. The block would allow for close studding, which is a common style in the Southern U.K. and IMO not so flashy as the others to instantly outdate what we currently have. I think it would look great for a sub-region in which there are many forests, as it would require more timber to construct. Close studding is kind of all or nothing, so it couldn’t really be mixed in with other D&W styles, and therefor be limited to a specific area without necessitating that it be retroactively added to older builds.
Considering that the Stormlands needs a general update anyway, that would be my nomination for its addition to the palette.
I’d be interested to know if EStoop feels the same way about any particular shape.