Considering there's a new "trend" to put crop blocks on non-farmland blocks, can we get new wheat/barley/carrot/turnip/pease blocks so we have consistency in what we allow to use underneath and to make them stable.
a small brick set (like OT bricks set and Reach light stone set, no need for small bricks and light small bricks)
Tham's had an idea that is an ingenious way to get the snowy leaf blocks through. @Thamus_Knoward
The only issue I'm trying to figure out is how to do this massive replace in the first place.
My tip would be to run slightly angled striations on a repeat CTM maybe angled 25-35 degrees.I still think it's worth messing around with a bit more. If you combine it with a very wide 'repeat' CTM where only some of it is the striation overlay, combined with the height restriction, you might actually be able to create striations which don't just form horizontal stripes like that.
Crazy thought, but is it possible to do a 256xN repeat_overlay (where N is something sufficiently large that it doesn't tile badly), using a small handful of tile images (just solid colors of varying hues/opacities), and automatically generating tiles=<string> in the properties file from a photoshop document where we paint the striations over the terrainset in a handful of layers with each solid color on its own layer?