Soo... the time has FINALY come!!
A small intro
So, before I proceed, I need to state that, I have decided, to call this project a megabuild, more due to its size and also, itself beeing comprised by three islands, if that is, one can say 1 island would equal a project, but since all other former island projects, that existed in the area (old Grey Gallows, Old Bloodstone), will be nuked to Kingdom Come, one can say, the lines are a tad blurred.Also, there have been some very small changes in the plans, regarding Karnessos. These changes are pretty minute so I didnt see it necessary to change it on the app. Rather I'll add it here.
Finaly, I forgot to write a resumé, so that will be posted here as well.
And here we go!
• House Parren of the Westerlands, a coop with Willas_Tyrell (/warp Parren)
• Red Mountains Valley Immersion, a coop with Zsomiking (/warp rmvalley)
• Ruined Septry Immersion, near Stoney Sept
(/warp SSruinedseptry)
• Tarbeck Hall Septry, a coop with Zsomiking and Alexistragic
• Vyrvillage sept, a coop with Chewyman
• Various other houses, septs and septrys all across the server, and a couple holdfasts? I don't fuckin' remember.
• Red Mountains Valley Immersion, a coop with Zsomiking (/warp rmvalley)
• Ruined Septry Immersion, near Stoney Sept
(/warp SSruinedseptry)
• Tarbeck Hall Septry, a coop with Zsomiking and Alexistragic
• Vyrvillage sept, a coop with Chewyman
• Various other houses, septs and septrys all across the server, and a couple holdfasts? I don't fuckin' remember.
Right, so here's the Canon Document
Now, before you continue, to the main document, you should know, that those first refugees and settlers of the Stepstones, are those, which according to my headcanon, will be reffered to as Islanders.
It is them, that once lived the coastal lands around what is now Myr and the Disputed lands, and where lead to exile from the expansion of Andals.
I attribute to them, all piratic and slavery related acts, in the history of the Stepstones up until and shortly before the Doom. They were the ones, to found the first towns and settlements on both mountains and coasts, as well become the first traders in the area.
After the Doom, their civilisation collapsed as the islanders of the coast, were unable to halt the rammifications of the Doom, and whatever order, might have existed before went down the toilet.
It is them, that once lived the coastal lands around what is now Myr and the Disputed lands, and where lead to exile from the expansion of Andals.
I attribute to them, all piratic and slavery related acts, in the history of the Stepstones up until and shortly before the Doom. They were the ones, to found the first towns and settlements on both mountains and coasts, as well become the first traders in the area.
After the Doom, their civilisation collapsed as the islanders of the coast, were unable to halt the rammifications of the Doom, and whatever order, might have existed before went down the toilet.
And, here ofcourse it the Main Body of the App
Karnessos, due to its position closer to Dorne as a harbour, and also since Birdstone is an island of secondary inportance, it will not include the large, main slave market of the islands. Rather, it will simply be, a small supply and repair port, with minimal goings on, regarding trade, mostly related with the murex snail dyes produced there, as well as the other minor dealings of the Islands pirates and chiefs.
Now follow, the selection of maps and tests:
This is the the first map, courtesy of Zso :

This is the second map, courtesy of Rexstop15 :

And, this is the folder, including both pictures of the inspiration and the various tests:
Inspiration and Tests for Grey Gallows - Google Drive

All tests, can be found at /warp Antony2, on the final two levels.
-Thanks for reading, Ant
Can't believe this is finaly happening! None of you, has any idea of how long, I've been waiting to do this, how long I've been planning this!!
Ah, and also... Drink up me hearties, Yo Ho!

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