Dark greetings from the Wall!
From the outset of the project, the Nightfort Server Build was seen as a chance to breath some life into the Wall and its surrounding areas. While the Nightfort itself is coming together (and I hope to have it opened up for mini-apps in the next month), there's lots of work to be done in the vast tracts of land in the shadow of the Wall, the Gift.

The Gift, consisting of Brandon’s Gift and the New Gift, is the area stretching fifty leagues south from the Wall, being land given to the Night’s Watch in perpetuity to support and aid the Watch. It is supposedly under the protection of both Winterfell and the Watch, but has fallen into neglect and been largely abandoned to the Watch’s diminishing resources and threat of Wildling raids.
Our Gift is currently pretty empty. That's understandable, since we don't have any canon locations marked in the Gift besides Last Hearth, Queenscrown and Mole's Town.

So that means we've got a blank, white, snow covered canvas to work with.
In the map below I've (somewhat arbitrarily) marked out some potential locations for points of interest, be they abandoned hamlets, holdfasts, mills, ancient First Men ruins or Wildling Camps.

Mods will be plotting out some hamlets at a few of these locations in the next few weeks, but would love to see some expressions of interest to take these spots on as mini-apps or Immersion builds.
"Jon: The land belongs to the Watch.
Ygritte: No one lives here.
Jon: Your raiders drove them off.
Ygritte: They were cowards, then. If they wanted the land they should have stayed and fought."
Jon: Maybe they were tired of fighting. Tired of barring their doors every night and wondering if Rattleshirt or someone like him would break them down to carry off their wives. Tired of having their harvests stolen, and any valuables they might have. It's easier to move beyond the reach of raiders.
So the general idea is that any settlements in the area will be abandoned, either because Winter is Coming and they're making the seasonal migration to Winterfell for shelter, or because they're tired of Wildling raids and moved south to get away.
Settlements can be of varying size and we can show a range of when they were abandoned. Some super old, just rubble, and some more recently abandoned. I'd be open to seeing some kind of fortified holdfast or heavily palisaded hamlet that's managed to withstand the wildlings too. You'll find some tests at /warp nftest. The building styles will be influenced by Winterfell and the northern clans.
So I hope this sparks some interest, feel free to post your proposals for mini-apps/immersions to this thread and otherwise stay tuned for plots to become available. Let me know if you have any questions.
From the outset of the project, the Nightfort Server Build was seen as a chance to breath some life into the Wall and its surrounding areas. While the Nightfort itself is coming together (and I hope to have it opened up for mini-apps in the next month), there's lots of work to be done in the vast tracts of land in the shadow of the Wall, the Gift.

The Gift, consisting of Brandon’s Gift and the New Gift, is the area stretching fifty leagues south from the Wall, being land given to the Night’s Watch in perpetuity to support and aid the Watch. It is supposedly under the protection of both Winterfell and the Watch, but has fallen into neglect and been largely abandoned to the Watch’s diminishing resources and threat of Wildling raids.
Our Gift is currently pretty empty. That's understandable, since we don't have any canon locations marked in the Gift besides Last Hearth, Queenscrown and Mole's Town.

So that means we've got a blank, white, snow covered canvas to work with.
In the map below I've (somewhat arbitrarily) marked out some potential locations for points of interest, be they abandoned hamlets, holdfasts, mills, ancient First Men ruins or Wildling Camps.

Mods will be plotting out some hamlets at a few of these locations in the next few weeks, but would love to see some expressions of interest to take these spots on as mini-apps or Immersion builds.
"Jon: The land belongs to the Watch.
Ygritte: No one lives here.
Jon: Your raiders drove them off.
Ygritte: They were cowards, then. If they wanted the land they should have stayed and fought."
Jon: Maybe they were tired of fighting. Tired of barring their doors every night and wondering if Rattleshirt or someone like him would break them down to carry off their wives. Tired of having their harvests stolen, and any valuables they might have. It's easier to move beyond the reach of raiders.
So the general idea is that any settlements in the area will be abandoned, either because Winter is Coming and they're making the seasonal migration to Winterfell for shelter, or because they're tired of Wildling raids and moved south to get away.
Settlements can be of varying size and we can show a range of when they were abandoned. Some super old, just rubble, and some more recently abandoned. I'd be open to seeing some kind of fortified holdfast or heavily palisaded hamlet that's managed to withstand the wildlings too. You'll find some tests at /warp nftest. The building styles will be influenced by Winterfell and the northern clans.
So I hope this sparks some interest, feel free to post your proposals for mini-apps/immersions to this thread and otherwise stay tuned for plots to become available. Let me know if you have any questions.
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