Hi!, Here you have my updated application for the farming area at the north of Lonmouth.
Give this man builder status.As Jeff suggested, I will post it here. Small test for sept in Lonmouth town. That's my original design, without post-suggestions. As Eastern European style was wanted, I built this sept in the style inspired by Russian architecture. Interiors are mostly prepositional. It also have "classical" design of main windows - one per each of the Seven. It's open for changes, although architectural details are intervined with construction, making changes not so easy.
I hope I will not make you laugh by this post, as I'm not even a probie yet)
Hey Nikas,As Jeff suggested, I will post it here. Small test for sept in Lonmouth town. That's my original design, without post-suggestions. As Eastern European style was wanted, I built this sept in the style inspired by Russian architecture. Interiors are mostly prepositional. It also have "classical" design of main windows - one per each of the Seven. It's open for changes, although architectural details are intervined with construction, making changes not so easy.
I hope I will not make you laugh by this post, as I'm not even a probie yet)
For sure! I'll add it to the planHey rex rlly nice hamlet !
could u add space for some fields for vegges.
Also u could add maybe a fruit trees plantation.
it would fit very nice on the small plateau in the east I marked it with red wool.
But overall very nice!
I approve.
HF Approved!hey!! i'm applying for the holdfast/guardstower just next to guillaards hamlet /Lonmouthham1
here are images of it
only the exterior is done so far. i'll start working on interior , detailing the exterior and fixing the terra around it to give it a better look . this and the old tests can be found at my plot /warp batelgause
have a nice day!!!!
Application for the second Lonmouth hamlet
View attachment 12178
Overall layout:
I. the mining hamlet, with a wooden bridge connecting it to the road
II. a remote mountain farmstead, connected to the ham through a path up the hill, with a large grazing area for sheep; its a large family with two houses and a barn, largely living isolated
View attachment 12179
The hamlet in detail:
It's centred around iron mining
paths in yellow, yards in green. The yard in the bottom left is open and connected to a common area for the village
Special builds in blue:
I. Smithing complex; with a smithy and iron smelting bloomeries.
II. Mining complex; with 3 mines and a mining hut to store tools
III. Sept; with a house for the septon and an archaic shrine in a cave
Industry in pink:
IV. Storehouse
V. Ore crusher; powered by a water wheel
Workshops in red:
VI. Weaver
VII. Cheesemaker
5 Miner's houses in orange, among them the foreman and the smith