Approved House Lightfoot - Walrus


Donkey Lord
Staff member
My main feedback is to make bigger "shortcuts". I'll edit this message to include pics of what I mean. The paths on Cape Kraken are really good example of how basically people wander without much restriction in the north due to the scale of the landscape.

Basically the road feels very forced and linear with right angles in places where they wouldn't be. Think about the settlement in layers. What came first, first houses, roads, later houses, outbuildings etc. Kinda like layers in Adobe illustrator or Photoshop.
The newer details form around the older, or deliberately change them.

What we've talked about already of making the village more like a collection of buildings for each household would be good. Each household having more or less a living space, granary and long term food store, any necessary work space and fuel shed (peat is an option not just wood). Also coverings for work spaces is important since the cold rain isa to cross and people. More so than autumn snows.

As I've sent in DMs, the issue is a matter of scale. Northern travellers if they're trying to go SE to the causeway would just walk around the village or E then N to the kingsroad would pass under the castle pretty much. They're taking as direct a route as possible because the scale of the landscape is enormous. Think about these paths less as "roads" and more as hiking trails. They're where the most direct path is, rather than a planned and maintained route. Sometimes that'll be maintained by people who have interest in it (traders, merchants and lords) but v v little of the total network is looked after.
Another big thing is to make sure you bring the path to high points enough of the time. Your southern road keeps on going through these low points which, while its easy to walk it doesn't give bearings easily. Imo what would happen a lot is that travellers would be walking, want to check their heading and walk to the closest high point. So have the road come near the crest of the hill then re-direct from there with the new bearing towards the intended destination.
So it almost looks like the hills are pivots/angles on the route


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Just wanted to say that this feedback has been really helpful, you're put in so much effort into it and I really appreciate it :)

I've mostly implemented the larger shortcuts, however I'm still working on the south to west path as I'm not completely happy with it's shape. I've plotted down a majority of the houses, but I'm definitely still working on the centre bit between the major roads. I've been working on that kind of bundle/collection of houses but I still want stand alone houses on the edges of the village. I also added a lot of workspaces, sheds and covered areas (in orange).

The rural paths are definitely still in their infancy, very rough plans just so I know where they'll generally go. I didn't even think about that aspect of how paths actually come to be. When I put them in their permanent place, I'll be sure to include the roads kinda looping back on them selves as well as crawling up the hills like you said. Once again, thank you, all you've done has been a massive help.

Also here's a really rough concept I made on google drawings while bored at university


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Update #4
  • Generic peasant/farming plots are now open in the main village.
  • Also opened up crop fields for testing, livestock fields don't require testing, just ask to build first.
  • After a few of the peasant/farming plots have been built, I will open up the profession houses, inn and the multi-family houses.
Enjoy building :)


Update #5
  • I've opened a few more plots in the village, mostly houses with specific professions.
  • Please only build one plot at a time, until you get approval, do not start on any other plots.
  • In the coming weeks, I hope to open tests for the other settlements of the Lightfoot lands so stay tuned for that.
I have really enjoyed watching the village grow, great work to all that have contributed so far. Have a happy New Year everyone :)


Update #6
  • I've opened a space for a little settlement, I'm thinking a horse breeder
    • I'm imagining a multi-family long house, plus maybe 1 or 2 other small houses
    • A stables and a small smith area + 2-3 small fields for the horses
    • Can be found at -839, -3947, just south east of the main village
  • I'm also working on plotting out the first hamlet and will soon open up the logging mini

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Update #7
  • The main village is almost done, all that remains is the crop and livestock fields
  • The first hamlet is open (/w LFham1) and I am working on opening up some crop fields there to
  • Next I will start work on the remaining two hamlets, and I am even considering a tower ruin somewhere north in the Lightfoot highlands.


Update #8
  • The third hamlet is open as a mini to anyone who wants to have a go at it. Currently there is no warp but the cords are -1741, -4591
  • Really happy with the horse breeder, thank you to Chep for that!
  • Finally I am also opening a small ale brewery at -897, -4591.
Really happy with how this project is coming alone, enjoy building :)


Update #9
  • The first section of Lightfoot is finished, Lightfoot Hamlet One is not complete!
  • I'll now be working on getting the main village finished, and actually starting the second ham.


Hey guys, there a few plots open in the second hamlet of Lightfoot (/warp LFham2). The small settlement relies on fish from the two ponds nearby and peat for firewood. A style guide available in the main settlement, have fun building guys. :) 1729398427615.png