Let the Blood Season begin!
As many of you are aware, and as announced in the latest Fire & Blood Season post, we have been preparing the ground for a reproduction of the infamous battle of the Blackwater. Largest confrontation of the War of the Five Kings, it opposes Stannis Baratheon to the bastard king, Joffrey Lann… *cough* Baratheon and the forces of King’s Landing.
Mixing naval skirmishes, a wild explosion, multiple encounters in and outside the city, and a final charge on the shores of the Blackwater, that battle was the climax of the war.
After the anniversary games and very positive feedback we received for organizing these, we thought it would be great to organize regular events for the community. Hopefully, this will meet your expectations!
The whole game will be split into a dozen games and various activities, made to recreate the whole series of events occurring during that battle. From PVE to building competition, PVP to a fiery parkour, everybody will find something to their taste (and skills)! And there might even be some rewards for the best knights of WesterosCraft.
To this date, the events will take place this month and up to early September.
Please fill out the poll to choose the dates where most people are available (2 will be picked in the 3):
- Saturday 20th of August, 8PM GMT
- Saturday 27th of August, 8PM GMT
- Saturday 3rd of September, 8PM GMT
Some more instructions will come later to help you prepare the battle.
Until then, a final push is required to get the battle ground ready, and even add a forgotten piece of King’s Landing sprawl in production.
We are looking for someone to make a small immersion for the ferry hamlet on the southern shore of KL (and North of the God’s Wood). That village should have a few docks for the ferry, along with a few houses, inns, taverns, cartwrights, etc. All you need for travelers that arrived on the King’s Road from the Stormlands. That immersion will be used directly for the production world, and a copy will be made for the battleground as well.
Don’t hesitate to help us on that! We will wait for applications up to next week or will do it ourselves if no one came up.