Dark Greetings! Now that the Nightfort is getting close to finished, I'm proposing to make a start on Eastwatch under the server build umbrella.Gawain and Eag_inc have done some great tests for the build along with a mini. Since they're both presently occupied I've received their permission to proceed using their designs and allow them to pitch in as much as they can.

Canon and Background
Eastwatch-by-the-Sea is the easternmost castle of the Night's Watch along the Wall and one of the three garrisoned at our stage of the books. It is located on a grey, windswept shore by the Bay of Seals with a nearby fisherfolk village.
Eastwatch is an important trade hub for the Watch as it is their eastern most castle on the Narrow Sea. The Night's Watch keeps several galleys at Eastwatch, including larger vessels capable of crossing the narrow sea and lean fighting vessels. The galleys patrol the Bay of Seals in part to catch smugglers who trade weapons to the free folk. Ships stationed at Eastwatch include the Talon, the Blackbird, and the Storm Crow.
Some free folk trade with the Night's Watch at Eastwatch; wildlings prefer it to Castle Black, because trading ships visit from across the Narrow Sea. Sure-footed mules are bred by the Watch at Eastwatch.
Key Features
- The castle is currently occupied by ~200 men, so sufficient barracks/living spaces will need to be added to accommodate them.
- Docks, the books mention that the Watch sent 11 ships to rescue the Wildlings at Hardhome (though most of these were commandeered Essosi ships). Eastwatch build should accordingly feature about 3 ships (with at least one presumed to be out at sea)
- Local trade hub, the adjacent village and docks should have trade/warehouse/transport and market infrastructure, adds to the overall impression that Eastwatch has a some-what successful community to accompany it.
Proposed Map

Castle Features
I haven't settled on a full layout yet, but I'll look to follow the design of Eag and Gawain's mini, and including the following features.
- Keep/Barracks
- Tower
- Dining Hall
- Kitchens
- Library
- Dungeon
- Rookery
- Wall gate
- Gravelled stairs up the Wall
- Forge/Armory
- Bath house
- Tunnels
- Fortifications on top of the Wall.
Like the other Wall castles I'm going to avoid adding any curtain walls/defences, but the castle will be on a rocky outcrop with stone/rock foundations.
Some terra will be needed to clear out room for the castle and village, there's a big rocky outcrop where the village is plotted that will be trimmed. The space to the west will be cleared out for fields/mule stables and some trees will be added.

There's also a worldpainter mountain on the north side of the Wall, this will need to be adjusted to clear space for the gate to exit. I'm thinking we shrink it down and combine the lower sections into the Wall itself.


Let me know if you have ideas/feedback or would like to help out. Pitching to make a start in early Jan. As with the Nightfort, once the castles/village is plotted they will be open for anyone to build.