Hey wurst, I apologize for a late response again as I have been slightly held up by work at my job. While I encourage your enthusiasm for building, in the future be mindful. Patience is a great virtue to have and it can take you a long way.
Now, to your builds. I'm very pleased to see how you handled the Duskendale style. I'm not finding any immediate problems with your builds but here's what I've got:
- The thatch on the floor of the fishmonger is a bit chaotic. Usually a few spots here or there will do just fine.
- The wattle and daub patterns on your buildings could be toned down, as it creates a lot of visual interest, but otherwise okay.
- The inside of your roofs still need work. Similar to my previous mentions, the style is relatively similar throughout all types of rafters.
This concludes my feedback for these builds. Similar to before, I'd like for you to update the build accordingly to the respective feedback I've given, and post back here.