Approved Application for House Ladybright ☆


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Just a quick idea for the terra inspiration (that seems compatible with the ideas you have already) - it would be really cool to have some arid desert coastline with dunes that meet the sea, like the coast of Western Sahara and Namibia.




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Just a quick idea for the terra inspiration (that seems compatible with the ideas you have already) - it would be really cool to have some arid desert coastline with dunes that meet the sea, like the coast of Western Sahara and Namibia.




Yeah these are good I was trying to find pictures that looked like this. My other inspiration is puerto penasco in Mexico it has straight up desert touching the beach - this has the same vibe


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Hey Amm, after talking in-game about your plans I'm happy to approve the project, but I do have a couple questions. I'm wondering about where the greenery/fresh water necessary to support the settlements would come from - would there be an oasis (underground aquifer)? Dry washes that flood on occasion? Rainwater? With the rest of the coast in that region being quite arid, this would need some thought & should be reflected in the terra. Also, what sorts of occupations would the main village have?


Yay! I live in the Sonoran desert which compared to most is pretty green - people here collect rain water all the time and dig wells so I'm thinking making it similar to that. I also purposefully made the only settlements near the ocean as greenery can be supported through moisture/fog from the ocean (the Atacama desert is like this I can't explain it very well but it's REALLY cool). These people are mostly fishermen, craftsmen (weapons/pottery), and sea faring traders. I also plan to have a few horse breeding places since a horse would be pretty useful for getting around the desert. Farming isn't something that's going to be big here - like I said in my app it will be mostly spices for the food they get from the sea + grain to feed their animals.



I'm liking the plans as well.
Would you mind making a terra test, maybe small diorama for the coast and/or the desert part? Considering the amount of terra that will probably be necessary around there (as it's still all world painter terra), do you feel confident on taking it on yourself? Seems we're a bit short on editors at the moment.

Just making sure we don't end up with a new portion of red sand desert on the dynmap :p
And also, for the more inner lands terra, it'll probably participate in setting a standard for the western desert of Dorne, so need to make sure it fits cannon and what would work for the region.
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I'm liking the plans as well.
Would you mind making a terra test, maybe small diorama for the coast and/or the desert part? Considering the amount of terra that will probably be necessary around there (as it's still all world painter terra), do you feel confident on taking it on yourself? Seems we're a bit short on editors at the moment.

Just making sure we don't end up with a new portion of red sand desert on the dynmap :p
And also, for the more inner lands terra, it'll probably participate in setting a standard for the western desert of Dorne, so need to make sure it fits cannon and what would work for the region.
I have a few tests for the terra on my plot - I am comfortable taking it on + using what I know and learning more along the way.


I also plan to have a few horse breeding places since a horse would be pretty useful for getting around the desert.
Hey Amm! Been loving your plans thus far. As the server's unofficial horse girl, I would like to interject on the notion of horse studs in your project. Horses, even yearlings, need to consume a considerable amount of fresh water and calories (as much as 15,000- 30,000 cal each day). Which I don't think can be sustained in your area of Dorne. The arid and salty climate combined with the lack of available fresh hay would make a functioning equine economy very difficult. Dorne is famed for their Sand Steeds and I've wanted to propose a proper Dornish stud farm that caters to high lords around Westeros for a long time. I think the optimal location for any horse industry would be along the Greenblood where grazing pastures and freshwater can be more available.


Hey Amm! Been loving your plans thus far. As the server's unofficial horse girl, I would like to interject on the notion of horse studs in your project. Horses, even yearlings, need to consume a considerable amount of fresh water and calories (as much as 15,000- 30,000 cal each day). Which I don't think can be sustained in your area of Dorne. The arid and salty climate combined with the lack of available fresh hay would make a functioning equine economy very difficult. Dorne is famed for their Sand Steeds and I've wanted to propose a proper Dornish stud farm that caters to high lords around Westeros for a long time. I think the optimal location for any horse industry would be along the Greenblood where grazing pastures and freshwater can be more available.
Can't argue with horse girl knowledge ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I think Vinnie's got a point ;)

Took a better look at the test:
- I'm good with the houses and castle tests
- for the terra: I'd recommend making the wet sand strip a bit thinner, it'd very large and appears much darker than the rest, sand would dry fast under the sun. Also, I'm not a big fan of using yellow stained clay as natural ground material, I think the drone dry soil works much better.

I recommend you experiment with the transitions between different biomes, and you can use some of Marg's Tor/GH schemes for the more green parts of the lands.

If it's all good for you, I'm happy to approve!
Please, just let me take a look at the settlements before opening anything


Staff member
Hey Amm! Been loving your plans thus far. As the server's unofficial horse girl, I would like to interject on the notion of horse studs in your project. Horses, even yearlings, need to consume a considerable amount of fresh water and calories (as much as 15,000- 30,000 cal each day). Which I don't think can be sustained in your area of Dorne. The arid and salty climate combined with the lack of available fresh hay would make a functioning equine economy very difficult. Dorne is famed for their Sand Steeds and I've wanted to propose a proper Dornish stud farm that caters to high lords around Westeros for a long time. I think the optimal location for any horse industry would be along the Greenblood where grazing pastures and freshwater can be more available.
Are camels canon in Westeros? *hopeful*


Ladybright keep and main town are completed along with the terraforming around them!!
Ladyham1 should be done as well and Ladyham2 just needs a bit more terraforming until completion. I'd say at a year on I'm about 80% done with the project? Just need to set up some more hamlets along the coast and then terra terra terra terra terra terra terra terra terra terra terafoooooooorrrmmmm


Urgently looking for any free editors to help blend out a few areas + do a bit of terraforming on the border of starfall near ladyham4
I've been doing everything virtually by hand but with these little things I know it would be much faster with a skilled editor <3

Feel free to help wherever/do whatever any amount helps Ladybright is so close to completion!!!