Abandoned Smithyton application


Faith Militant
hmm its about time....

Past Projects-
Grandison Crossing
A peasbury hamlet

House Shermer are a noble house from Smithyton, in the reach. Semi-canon states their sigil is blue with a field of copper nails and a copper border.
During a clash of kings, they declare for Renly Baratheon during the war of the five kings.

What this tells me:
Smithyton is a town, hence, ton. (lol)
They like smithy-ing.
They like copper.

How I tend to implement this:
Make a town.
Make a mine for copper.
Make a few smithies and a smithies guild within a tithe barn.

-Inspiration & Plans-

Castle- Lassay Les Chateux. This is a french castle that still has some english style plain, strong looking features- this makes a good transition inspiration from the english style crownlands to the french style reach.



(Front- towerhouse + war planning conference room thingy
two towers to the side of it- Barracks and servants
Top- Main keep
all other towers- Kitchens, guests, etc.)

The town- I have based the layout primarily off a french motte and bailey town illustration, which depicts a town situated on a hill, with drymoats dug into the hill, giving the impression of a big motte. There are different levels to the mottes as they progress higher up the hill with the keep at the top.
It will also have a river to the side of it serving as a natural fortification with a mill.
It will hold approx. 25 houses, a tithe barn, a sept, and an inn outside the walls.



(Town walls will not be very tall as the slopes of the drymoats with serve as fortification)





As you can see here the houses are relatively modest as smithyton is not a large or super influential place but not in complete shambles as the reach is known for being rather classy.
The witewash houses on the left hand side will only be used in rural hamlets.
The slate colours reflect the house colours rather nicely and is not too dissimilar from risleys.

Tithe barn-


The lands-

This is a modified version of a map iwan gave me of his terraforming plans.
I added the (Purple) villages and white roads.
Red- Roads
Green- Forest
Blue- Rivers
Yellow- Farmland (Which I intend to make using geometric stone walls with rectangles of veggies and such similar to that at winterfel)

I realise this map may overlap Potts risely somewhat but after consultation with Iwan he recommended I just post the app and figure things out here.

I think thats it, thanks! :)
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I didn't visit this area since Iwan terraformed it, but are the lands steep/rocky enough to have a mine?
From what I can see on the dynmap, especially from our new topo map, it seems lands are very flat there (hence all the curves of the streams).
I understand that SMITHYton and the copper colors of the blazon would suggest a metal working there, but imo you need either a larger terra to have a mine, or to make the town import the metals.


Faith Militant
I didn't visit this area since Iwan terraformed it, but are the lands steep/rocky enough to have a mine?
From what I can see on the dynmap, especially from our new topo map, it seems lands are very flat there (hence all the curves of the streams).
I understand that SMITHYton and the copper colors of the blazon would suggest a metal working there, but imo you need either a larger terra to have a mine, or to make the town import the metals.
Might do bell mines like at amberly x


Talked to Pott and suggested using the line of hills as a border, to which he agreed, I think. I've redrawn the map of the Smithyton and surrounding projects that shows everyones' claims, more or less, or at least how I see them. This changes your lands a bit, so you'd have less space in the south. I gave you that corner in the north west both to make up for that and to put it to use.

I shuffled around some of your features, notably moved the mine(s) to the hillier areas north west of the purple river. All locations are entirely arbitrary and finally up to your discretion, of course.

This is but a mock-up and not really precise, so take with a grain of salt. But it should give everyone a good idea. @Pottman @The_Zoso_666 @jmcmarq

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Faith Militant
<333 And arky it will be like the bottom right houses mainly but more mossy and spooky :eek: :D
Talked to Pott and suggested using the line of hills as a border, to which he agreed, I think. I've redrawn the map of the Smithyton and surrounding projects that shows everyones' claims, more or less, or at least how I see them. This changes your lands a bit, so you'd have less space in the south. I gave you that corner in the north west both to make up for that and to put it to use.

I shuffled around some of your features, notably moved the mine(s) to the hillier areas north west of the purple river. All locations are entirely arbitrary and finally up to your discretion, of course.

This is but a mock-up and not really precise, so take with a grain of salt. But it should give everyone a good idea.

Looks good! Can you please label which stars you intend to be which locations? For the woodland holdfast I thought of it as for both of those farming hamlets/complexes to run to in times of need as thats the general holdfast usage, so ideally there would be a path from both to it :)


I have no preference on what you put where, or if you want to add anything in that north western corner. Just wanted to move them out of 'disputed territory' is all :)

Could you maybe update your map to reflect those changes, and locate whatever features you want yourself?
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Faith Militant
I have no preference on what you put where, or if you want to add anything in that north western corner. Just wanted to move them out of 'disputed territory' is all :)

Could you maybe update your map to reflect those changes, and locate whatever features you want yourself?
bet x


Dowager Countess of Grantham
Staff member
<333 And arky it will be like the bottom right houses mainly but more mossy and spooky :eek: :D

Looks good! Can you please label which stars you intend to be which locations? For the woodland holdfast I thought of it as for both of those farming hamlets/complexes to run to in times of need as thats the general holdfast usage, so ideally there would be a path from both to it :)

Well, you know how much I love those cottages! :D Can't wait!
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