Shader Screenshots


Hi @Arkilstorm , in the previous post i used kuda shader - medium pack and kuda shader - ultra pack (the medium pack is used in the shots with water in it),im glad u enjoyed it. Here is some more pics i have taken ,in case anyone wants to use them!

Hy, this is my first Post and I hope it dosen't seem to be to shady, but I want to ask you if its okay to put you're screenshots on Twitter? Of course I will link it to @WesterosCraft and you're own twitter account(if you have something like that).
I think the minecraft community on Twitter has to see this glorious builds!

Did sth. like this before:


Street Preacher
Hy, this is my first Post and I hope it dosen't seem to be to shady, but I want to ask you if its okay to put you're screenshots on Twitter? Of course I will link it to @WesterosCraft and you're own twitter account(if you have something like that).
I think the minecraft community on Twitter has to see this glorious builds!

Did sth. like this before:
Hi Ritter,you are free to use any of my pics anytime ,just be sure to link our community (website or twitter account)
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Street Preacher
Hey @Contra (or @GrayJedi) could I get some shaders pics of Chelsted lands please? it's for the wiki, so i need the keep (/warp chelstedkeep), the town (/warp chelsted), maybe the septry (/warp csdseptry) or the manor (/warp csdmanor) and finally 1 or 2 cool pictures of the landscape if you can and more if you want!


Hello all/Contra/anyone with shaders please,

I am applying to architecture schools and I am required to submit a portfolio of works. Considering my time on the server, I'd like to ask if I can get shader screenshots of things that I've built, including:

-New Barrel Castle ./warp newbarrel
-Rhysling Castle ./warp rhysling
-Kilmerton ./warp kilmerton
-Rhysling Manor (The one on the river with a diagonal square tower) south of /warp rhysling
-HighHermVillage2 ./warp highhermvillage2

Thank you guys :)))
I have taken shots of each of these places for you, but seem to be unable to upload them to the site because they're too large--even though they're less than the upload limits specified. Shoot me a DM with your email address or something, I can hook you up :)

(sorry for the delay in your request, I was studying all Summer)

EDIT: Got it to work from my Mac -> CLICK HERE
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Staff member
I have taken shots of each of these places for you, but seem to be unable to upload them to the site because they're too large--even though they're less than the upload limits specified. Shoot me a DM with your email address or something, I can hook you up :)

(sorry for the delay in your request, I was studying all Summer)

EDIT: Got it to work from my Mac -> CLICK HERE

can you take a screen of what error or whatever its giving you?
It was just saying the files were too large for the server to process, even thought it was under the limits it said. Don't know why it worked from a Mac, usually the file size calculation differences between Unix-based/non don't apply to image formats?

No idea.