Hey Stoop, thanks for the feedback:
1. This was to meet the description of the town's 'walls' (rather than just 'wall', singular). However I think that walls could be interpreted as a single wall, in which case I agree it may be too dense on that side of the river. I am unsure how to approach it, and would welcome your opinion on whether the description of 'walls' can refer to a single wall. I originally chose that side to expand towards as well due to the shallow nature of the river there, thereby not impeded on by the same limitations a wider river might pose (hard to explain what I mean). ((NOTE: I've realised how to make one wall plural by using different angles. I'll apply this to fix the issue))
2. Yeah I don't intend to have river walls. As you rightfully point out the threat of ironborn invasion (or generally any 'boat' invasion) is minimal at best.
3. The stairs represented a further slant towards the end since I wasnt happy with the abruptness of the normal slant on the larger tower scale. However, since walls are being edited to lose the gaps, I may be more okay with the slant as it will appear smoother after the next pack update.
4. I like the idea of cobbled stone paths. I think I will apply those for the main peninsula town and have dirt/gravel for the sprawl.
5. I will remove the shrubbery, besides yards and gardens (rich houses/sept vicinity). I may also have the occasional ivy (vines) incorporated, but I agree that it would not make sense for trees to occur especially as I will; be going with cobbled streets.
6. Generally this weathering is less about uncut to cut stone and more just the gradient of the rock to break it up. For instance, in a different palette the use of dark cobble and small brick mixed is not just a finer cut stone with a worse cobble, its emphasizing the dark and light hue alterations that stone has. Small brick by itself would look boring, as would dark cobble. Its the same with this gradient. While I understand the point about cut stone versus uncut, I used the darker palette at the top to emphasis this. For
example. I will attempt with the houses at least to indicate that the matter is for the sake of a palette rather than cut versus uncut. Builders will be able to alternate the stones as the palette is dark-light-dark and can be reversed.
7. I will move the lumbermill to be further down the river, likely next to or near the bridge closest to Threepenny Wood.
8. North. I do not think that the area between Acorn Hall and the Sept needs touching particurly. Maybe some fields for septons, but not much more. Patches of land unblemished by human hands give a wider immersion to our world. To consistently have areas (especially beyond the Reach, considered to be more densely agricultural) inhabited by humans would break the medieval immersion. I realise at our scale logically we would fill everything, as things seem smaller than they might be. However in medieval times there was uninterrupted spots of wilderness between settlements.
East. Some of the above reasoning stands, however my original genuine thinking was that it was a part of the Crones Mill project. If I reach that area towards the end of my main set of lands, I may see to editing that area, perhaps incorporating Crones Mill with mod permission. I don't want to make unnecessary land grabs however, only to bog down an already expansive and large project. i.e. Not biting off more than I can chew (which some have suggested is already the case - I disagree, but don't want to push that point).
Hollow Hill. It is only now I am realizing this was wiped. I had assumed it still stood, but its clearly been wiped away in a previous terraform. As far as I am aware Hollow Hill was and continues to be a solo project, and I suggest it is up to the project lead who takes those lands under their wing to incorporate them respectively. Again, I don't want to overreach. Were I to occupy all empty space surrounding Stoney Sept, the town would have lands from Hollow Hill to the God's Eye. As much as I love that idea, the practicality of it is unrealistic. I may propose a 'lands' plan for lands beyond those approved later in the project, but that will itself require further approval and is not necesarry at the present time for the reasons above.
9. I have considered terraforming the rest of the Blackwater to the confluence at Peasedale. However, this again becomes an issue of overreach. I'd include any proposed changes further down the river in a 'lands' proposal. Until that time (which is until I feel comfortable with the progress of the current approved project) I will avoid making any such proposal. The lands warrant their own projects after all, and could do with singular attention rather than the backend of another neighbouring project.
While writing this Waz said Make the Riverlands Great Again (MRGA?). I will I assure you, but for now that greatness will restrict itself to the approved area.