Completed Project Application - House Rousemont


I would still recommend revamping the pine forests with better pine trees just because the current ones look like a World of Warcraft early build.

And also some understory foliage
Haha I can see that. Maybe I've grown too used to seeing that wall of dark green. Alright, here's the idea, let me know what type of trees are appropriate in these days. I've been using LarchM, LarchS for many of the floodplain evergreens, but I'm happy to pick something that's trendy.

I'm almost done figuring out that forest script thing so once that's there a forest of this scale will be a breeze!


The Dark Lord Sauron
Well since you mentioned dark green here are my suggestions for a pine forest:

For the middle of the forest where the trees are tallest:


If you want to mix in some deciduous varieties but still use dark leaves for within the middle forest:


For the edges of the forest where the trees have been cut back and are slowly growing back before being cleared and maintained by peasants:



Here is the tree mix i used for the forest near Hutcheson as you asked:


For the edges I used the small variants of the trees above together with PineS and EvergreenS.


and finally for the groundmix:


Non-alpine pines probs

nooo, that's alpine, it's too stark a contrast to the reach's deciduous forests

@Enah, while I appreciate your interest in the choice of trees across the reach, I'd prefer if your subsequent input on it was more constructive. For example, you could give me a specific example of what the right trees are to chose based on your research and experience rather than posting complaintive ellipses that leave me guessing. I'm happy to listen to your feedback, but only if it is put in a way that I can make sense of. Right now, @Pixeld_ and @Margaery_Tyrell gave much more actionable input than you.

It was approved for Hutcheson: That's slap-bang middle of the Reach. Granted though, the elevation there is much steeper than at Rousemont. So what's it gonna be? I'm getting to work on it today.




The Dark Lord Sauron
Hutchenson is on a mostly mountainous area and due to the limitations of MC we can't really depict elevation too much (the Vale for example a great deal of the alpine-y areas have the same elevation as parts of Rhysling and Whitegrove)

However we can still have pine trees in the mid-reach if we come up with some kind of ecological justification such as high acidity in the soil, mineral deposits, weather patterns streaming in from the stormlands etc.

Due to the climate I'd recommend having a healthy mix of both evergreen and broadleaf trees (60% broadleaf, 40% evergreen) with the broadleaf trees using a darker pallete to accentuate the evergreen trees.


My steps for the river so far:

  • 2000:1 as water, Grass for land, using '/br cyl 2000:1 5 1' and /b e melt and /br smooth, but also //sel convex and //curve 2000:1 4-7 for the topology and course of the river. I try to imagine where the water exerts most force while I draw. This means that in this section the width of the river fluctuates to this effect (The flow is from left to right!):
  • Small streams are drawn with //sel convex and //curve 2000:1 0-2
  • Sandbanks with //sel convex, //gmask grass, //curve gray 1, starting on the river carving the inside of a meander and then ending on the other side => yields a decent half-moon shape with pointy ends. 2157
  • Once the shape is done and sand/gravelbanks are marked, I select a large //sel poly region with the river in it and do //rep [[2000:1]&|[2000:1][1][8]] #biome[river] to set the biome
  • I start with the the sandbanks, using a modified riverpebble [RiverBank.txt] script with the following settings: placeholder: 'gray', placeholderWater: '2000:1', type: 'reach', cutoff: '4', profile: '5'
  • Then I paint the river banks. I deem everything that is up to 1 block higher than the waterlevel as banks. //br cyl white 10 1 just before the next step in elevation I paint in //br cyl 7 2 1
  • Using 'white' as the placeholder and with a large //sel poly selection of the course and banks I now use RiverUpperWoodlands1.txt and RiverUpplerWoodlands2.txt
  • Using '7' as the placeholder and with the same selection I apply RiverBrushRousemont.txt to create buffer hedges.
  • For the next 3 blocks height I paint in 'white' again. This time, I run RousemontLowWetlandForest.txt.
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Small progress report from my side. The forest is almost done!

Still to do:
- [X] Transition from Pine forest to cleared meadow north of Bitter Bridge castle
- [X] River banks north of Bitter Bridge castle
- [X] River shape and flow all the way through Bitterbridge town down to Longtable port to link up with the terraforming that Kulmen is working on.
- [X] River shape and flow all the way from the Bridges warp to Grassyvale
- [ ] Fix some artifacts leftover from the forest scripts (holes in the ground, buried blocks of white wool, 44 and wood planks.
- [ ] Review and fix some sections of the forest, specifically the wetland area North-West of //warp gvhf2.
- [ ] Plot fields at /warp frithcester
- [ ] Plot the Brigand hide out
- [ ] Plot the Quarry hamlet
- [ ] Clear the area and plot the 4 Charcoalmaker camps

- [ ] Rethink the Rousemont style with a bit more research into the northern reach
- [ ] Plot the Summer meadows
- [X] Replace the excessive pebble banks of the branch that passes Rousemont in the north with sand and mud to maintain canon and consistency.
- [ ] Optionally, give Rousemont keep a facelift?
- [X] Find a nicer solution for the very small streams in the meadows just south of Rousemont keep, around the Rousmont hamlet.
- [ ] Finish the Mill compound
- [ ] Clean up the underbrush of all Larch and Pine groves in the Rousemont wetlands.
- [ ] Finish the outhouse by the Rousemont keep
- [X] Finish the barn near the lavender fields.
- [ ] Add details more details
- [X] Open the plotted locations.
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I've decided against plotting all the places. Instead, I'm going to open up all new locations as minis!

Here we go.

1. /warp romohamlet and /warp romoquarry

I've plotted how it could look like, but I'm not nailed down on it. I tried to go for this sort of arrangement of the houses by the road and also that style of property, but if you can do something else. Be my guest! There should be a village commons, or a pond alternatively. The quarry could be like the one in Thalmberg, but it doesn't have to be either. These can be a single mini or separate, up to you!

2. /warp romospiral

A place of power for the children of the forest, please use the spiral, feel free to add anything to it. Was there a Weirwood once? Has a battle been taken place? Did some knights annointed by the seven desecrate the place? Is it overgrown, or does someone secretly tend to it? Suprise me.

3. /warp romolumber1

I'll gladly cut back some trees if you build a lumbercamp somewhere in this area. You get to choose the exact spot! Including a sawpit and some more permanent quarters or tents?

4. /warp romobrigands and /warp romotowerruin


A brigand hideout in the heart of the forest. Includes an old ruined tower house on a rock at /warp romotowerruin as a lookout. Give it a basic palisade and some wooden huts with the necessary infrastructure to live of the land. The towerhouse can be applied for separatel, or done as part of this.

5. /warp romocharcoal1, /warp romocharcoal2, /warp romocharcoal3, /warp romocharcoal4,
Camps of charcoal burners. Read up on this here and here. And make some cool designs. I'll clear some trees for you and add roads. There are some wicked designs up at White Harbour.

6. /warp romosummer1, /warp romosummer2, /warp romosummer3
Summer pastures with shielings, or grazing grounds for herded lifestock if you will. I'm looking forward to what you come up with.

6. /warp frithcester

A sprawling landscape of fields and farmsteads. Farmsteads can be in the style of Dartmoor longhouses or compounds of perhaps smaller square farmyards similar to the examples around /warp rousemont. I can provide WE assistance to place fields etc, but I'm happy of you make a plan. Bocage is a possibility but not a must.

7. west-south-west of /warp buckley

Looks a bit messy but if you want it could be yours. Fortified farmyard/ manor. Feel free to add some small outhouses and serf living quarters. I'm available for WE support.

Adapt it to your surroundings but let's try to go for something that could be found in northern France, southern England or Mid-West Germany. The palette is pretty expansive, /warp rousemont to pick and choose.2382

I recently learned about hall house design and gotta say I really dig the concept. There is a pseudo example also in the hamlet at /warp rousemont that I really like.


Looking forward to applications here on the forums. Please post them as simple threads on here I don't really wanna open pdf's or google docs. Cheers :)

Ps: There are also some smaller plots all over the place, post a screenshot of the one you want here. I’m going to manage feedback on the forum not ingame via melons!
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Here's an application for the Rousemont Quarry & Hamlet (Romoquarry & Romohamlet)

Big thanks to Aeksio's and Cash for helping

By the way I was wondering if this hamlet could be open to just probational builders, but builders could build if they asked for permission or if they wanted to help the probies. Is this alright?


Staff member
Here's an application for the Rousemont Quarry & Hamlet (Romoquarry & Romohamlet)

Big thanks to Aeksio's and Cash for helping

By the way I was wondering if this hamlet could be open to just probational builders, but builders could build if they asked for permission or if they wanted to help the probies. Is this alright?
You seem to have forgotten a chimney or smoke outlet on your house test with the fire in the middle.
I like your other tests though