Approved Project Application: House Gower by Jeff


Hey Everyone,

after my longer break i want to pick up again this project! together with HErston and greenspools my plan is to give the South Coast of the Stormands more love again. Dear mods pls tell me if i still can go for the project and if the plan is still that i do them one by one (i agree with that).
I remember i should start with horpe.



Staff member
Hey Jeff! Nice to see you picking this up, it surely is more digestible than the behemoth that is Harvest Hall. I think I would like to see you revisiting the tests for Horpe, mainly due to the many new blocks and subsequently the new ways of building that are at our hands now. A lot of those blocks are, I'm sure, very useful for this region and style, even for terra (new terrainsets yay!). Don't feel rushed to pump out a result, take your time and warm up to the many many many (many) new additions.​


Hey Everyone,

The Last days i am working on the Area of South Cape Wrath in the Stormlands. Rn i have a Application for Horpe. My suggestion would be to start with a redo of Gower Instad of Horpe.
The problem with Horpe is that horpe is in the area South of Stonehelm by Aino. Stonehelm is in a early stage. The Eastern part of Stonehelm is not start yet and will not start any soon. To give Stonehelm time and maybe give us some time for some new blocks for this area i would start with Gower instad. Gower is next to Greenstone what is alrdy done. Is also in Cape wrath so its also Broas Plains.
If i start with Horpe i would be done with it before The Mountains of East Stonehelm are. This means we are limited in our creativity since The Stonehelm Mountains HAVE to fit Horpe Area.
So I ask gain to Start with Gower or at least Herston.



Donkey Lord
Staff member
Some more rationale to support working on Gower before Horpe:

-Having some new stone blocks that line up more closely with the new terrainsets. We've got to work out former eastern islands in Jungle biome, stormlands alt, dark red mountains, pink granite, grey sandstone etc.
-Gower is flatter terrain and mostly involves removing the old forest, without worrying so much about gradient masks and other tools that are invaluable for hills and mountains
-The Greenstone style easily morphs into South Cape style Jeff has been testing for, with a change in the materials of course.
-Gower has approximately the same amount of structures as Horpe so its not like its changing a larger area of the map into sand/placeholder terrain than working on Horpe.

Several of these arguments also work for Herston.
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Here some plans I alrdy have to support the ideas we dropped before. I plan too make two villages near the coast. The wheat and carrots show are a general sign for fields. Ofc fishing is importantly. Also the trees show the border to the rainwood. There are lumerjack camps to cut wood. Also they trad wood with greenstone. I want to show how they bring wood on ships to greenstone.
Castle will be khoytn. I will make it match the terrain but it will be the main inspo. I also will add earth ramparts to it.
It will be a smaller castle.
The Tera will be very flat with longer beaches. Low dunes just to stabil the sand.
The houses tests are on my plot. Near the ocean I use smaller houses with smaller windows. Always the smaller house side will face the ocean. The more we go inland the houses will be bigger for the farmer families.
along the coast we will find small watchtower to warn the ppl from pirates or dornish invades.
I hipe this shows a bit more wich plans I have for gower or the area I’m generell. The area has a lot of potential to show the variety of the stormlands.



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Staff member
Hey Jeff! The plans you have look good and I like the ideas you put forth about some small scale regional trade between Gower and Greenstone. I also like the idea of Khotyn as inspiration for the castle, but I would also like to see some earthen ramparts incorporated. Perhaps an outer bailey or just some layered defenses. That can be hashed out on location when the time comes. I checked out the layout you did on your plot and it looks great.

I'd just like two things from you:
1. A palette test for the castle. Can be the large tower, one of the smaller towers and a wall section, really anything, I just would like to see a fleshed out castle example.
2. I just want to confirm with 100% certainty that Gower is the project you'd like to do at this point in time.

Thanks Jeff! :)


Hey Star,

I can do a palette test yes. But rn it’s not clear which terrainsset the cliffs will have since greenstone has more grey/brownish terrain and the region eof esst cape wrath (from stonehelm to Herston) will be more pink wirh stormlands alt terrainset.
It’s not sure if i continue the terrainset into hole cape wrath or if i make a transition in weepingtown into more grey terrain. This is Möhring I want to discuss with editors/ future project mods and the stormlands group.
But I could make some tests for a pink palette and a possible palette with the stormlands blocks. Maybe also a test with the greenstone palette.

I plan a outer Bailey yes and I can make some tests for you if u want to !

Also yeah at this point I would love to start with gower for the start of cape wrath!
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