Approved Project Application: House Gower by Jeff


Donkey Lord
Staff member

I'm approving this application. Remember to support thatched rooves properly and give some height to your balconies. I also recommend working towards the castle and finishing off most of the project first, particularly the terrain before it gets properly done in situ.
Regarding Greenstone, its still in post approval still so any feedback that requires actioning takes priority to Gower.

Good luck with this one Jeff


Hey i open some minis!

1) a Farmers Hamlet 4-5 Houses. They are mostly Farmers but also have small fishing boats. Check the Houses in /warp gowervillage. Add some very overgrown ruins from Houses that are destroyed during Raids.
/Warp Gowerhamlet1


2) a Small Watchtower wich is very damaged also include a Signal Fire. Add some soldiers tents.

/warp gowerwatchtower1


3) A fortified Farmstead from a Rich Landowner. Duing the Dornish raids and the Pirvat Raids they Fortified the farmstead with wooden walls and so on. the Plotting yet is a placeholder feel free to be creative!
/warp gowerfarmstead



A ruined Holdfast. Just a watchtower is left wich is used with a signal fire. The former knight and his family got killed duing a dornish raid. the hf gots burned down many yrs ago, make the hf very ruined so no wood just stone funadmet is left.

its south of /warp gowerhamlet1


if u have any questions let me know !